Here's the progress to date, after a total of approximately 31 hours work so far.
PIC 1. The top decking, red stripes, fin and rudder, and the de-icer boots have been masked, along with the engines and wheel wells.
PIC 2. The first stage of creating a natural-looking bare metal finish on the main wings and tailplanes. These have been rubbed with SNJ Silver polishing powder, the excess blown off, then lightly buffed. This creates a metallic film to which the paint then bonds.
PICS 3 to 5. The main wings, with the exception of the underside centre section, have been sprayed with Humbrol Silver enamel, Number 11, as have the tail planes. This used to be very bright, and was good for creating a chrome effect on oleos etc, but since the 'change over' to Hornby, it's now not so shiny which, in this instance, has proved helpful.
The model will now be left for 24 hours to allow the paint to fully harden (I hope!), before spraying the fuselage in Aluminium, to provide contrast and hopefully replicate the 'used' look of the original. Then it'll be time to shade selected panels, before polishing with the SNJ powder again, once the paint has fully cured.
Thanks for your interest, and I hope to post more pics tomorrow.