1st Build - Hasegawa A6M2

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FatBoris, bit more for you Nakajima Zero's used the Aotake or Metallic Blue-Green in the wheel wells and on the inside of the undercarrige covers.

The silver with Clear Blue/Green is a good method, try it on some scrap first to get the right consistency.
I found a couple of pictures I hope will help. There is a fully restored A6M in Riverside California. If I can find more pictures, I'll post them. You are doing excellent work for your first model. :)


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Here is that cockpit colour variation for Mitsubishi-top versus Nakajima-bottom each colour could be slightly lighter or darker....


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Yeah, looks like I'm somewhere right between the two. :rolleyes:

Those are some great pics you guys put up. I'm ready to dig in this weekend to start puttying. I'm ready to paint!
Thanks, Shinpachi, those are awesome. Definitely don't think I'll have any problem with colors now.
What I lack in skill I make up for with patience and putty. Will have to post some updates tomorrow. The fuselage was off so the wings didn't line up, lots of Mr Surfacer 500
OK, another question. Doing some digging I found a few articles on j-aircraft that said you could easily differentiate Mitsubishi vs Nakajima. If the Hinomaru had a white outline it was Nakajima, if no outline Mitsubishi. That leaves me with 2 questions:

1. Is that right? It seems to easy.
2. If so, would it be a safe assumption that all planes in a squadron would be the same manufacturer?
OK, another question. Doing some digging I found a few articles on j-aircraft that said you could easily differentiate Mitsubishi vs Nakajima. If the Hinomaru had a white outline it was Nakajima, if no outline Mitsubishi. That leaves me with 2 questions:

1. Is that right? It seems to easy.
2. If so, would it be a safe assumption that all planes in a squadron would be the same manufacturer?

1. No Not necessarily, this would only apply to early Zero's with the overall Grey-Green scheme.also the spinner is slightly longer too on Nakajima model. Once The Dark Green was applied to top surfaces the major way to differentiate the two types is in the Demarcation line of the Dark Green. Nakajima Zero's the Green curved up from the trailing edge of the main wing to the tail plane, while the Mitsubishi was a straight line from the main wing trailing edge under the tail plane to the tail.
...and Nakajima only produced A6M2 and A6M5 versions whereas Mitsubishi produced all the different models.....
2. No guarantee at all. Possible that a majority might be delivered from one, but new additional aircraft or replacements would be provided from where ever they were available...and may well be different models too!
Perfect explanation, Wayne.
Even Japanese modellers don't necessarily know such details.
Nice pictures :) I will use this pictures when I will built my Zero 1/48 kit of Tamiya (bought 8 years ago)
Holy Crap! The list of screw ups so far could be a whole 'nother thread, a few high/low points:

1. Forgot to drill out the required holes in the wings. That means no drop tank and the pitot tubes are precariously placed, cockeyed, and hanging on for dear life.
2. I also lost one of the hydraulic gigs that controls the rudder so I had to fashion one. I decided "scratchbuilding" is when you make something that looks like it should. I don't scratchbuild, I "fashion" which is when you McGyver it. It's the general shape, and it's not offensive when you stand really far away and close one eye.

ANYWAY...here's the plane after preshade, ready to start screwing up the paintjob!!!! Wait 'til you see what I did to the canopy...it's a travesty!:lol:


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All in good fun...I went out and bought the Tamiya A6M2 kit this weekend. I'll just keep swinging until I get it right. I did airbrush the underside last night and I was very pleased with the results. A few seams came through but nothing so bad that I want to start over. I think I'll have myself a solid first build when all is said and done.

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