2008 NFL Season

Favorite NFL Team

  • Dallas Cowboys

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  • New York Giants

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  • Washington Redskins

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  • Seattle Seahawks

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  • Arizona Cardinals

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  • St. Louis Rams

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  • Green Bay Packers

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  • Minnesota Vikings

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  • Chicago Bears

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  • Detroit Lions

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  • New Orleans Saints

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  • Tampa Bay Buccaneers

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  • Carolina Panthers

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  • Atlanta Falcons

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  • New England Patriots

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  • San Diego Chargers

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  • Denver Broncos

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  • Oakland Raiders

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  • Cleveland Browns

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  • Cincinnati Bengals

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  • Baltimore Ravens

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  • Indianapolis Colts

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  • Jacksonville Jaguars

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  • Tennessee Titans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Houston Texans

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Yo Adler.........how about the 49'ers getting Singletary to replace Nolan? I don't know what he will do for their offense, but their defense should have a drastic improvement, providing Mike can teach. I know he can modivate, but can he relate to the players. BIG question.

I sure would like to see the 49'ers reform into an elite team.

Oh, and how about them Cowdummy's? ha ha ha. Lose to the RAMS! Sorry, but this team has quit on their coach. Time for a change.

I was expecting this for a few weeks now. I do not blaim the team. The guy has promised turn around, he brings in quality talented players but does nothing with them.

I am hoping he can turn the D around. Our offense is actually not bad, and with Martz controlling the offense and Singleterry hopefully getting the D on track, maybe we can have a respectable finish to the season.
Hey Sys, I did not watch this past weekends Vikings game, but form what I heard it was not Chillies fault this time. How do you scre 41 point and still loose a game.
I remember the first year Childress started as Head Coach of the Vikings, I told my father that this team will never amount to anything with this guy as the head man, so far I have not been proven wrong.
I've decided that I've got better things to do than waste 3+ hours sitting in front of the TV watching this miserable team manufacture ways to loose a football game.
Go Bears.

Fire Mr. Noodle.
Buck ..... he is the head coach and as such, is responsible for the conduct of all the parts of the team.

In most cases, I would say that it was an aberation. But it seems to happen with alarming frequncy.

Not defending Chillie, just saying the latest loss cannot be put entirely on his shoulders. I think he is way out of his league, does not know how to make a game adjustment at halftime to stop whatever the opposing team is doing or what the Vikings are unable to do.
Only thing I do give him a Ziggy credit for is cleaning out most of the Riff-Raff that played for the team in the past couple years. Bryant McKinny should be next on his list.
Now after this year who will the head coach be? I say bring back Bud Grant!!!
Hope I don't get in trouble for reviving a dead thread.

I'm not big into major league football; more so college(UCONN Huskies), but I went for the Dolphins. There my dad's favorite team, and it was cool seeing them beat the Pats!
Vikes choke again against Atlana. No big suprise to me. After watching the Queens for nearly 30 odd years I've learned to expect it and not be dis-appointed. It is kinda funny when it comes right down to it actually.
Now all the Vike fans up here in Minnesota have to cheer for the Green Bay Packers to beat the Bears tonight
I'll predict that the NY Giants play havoc with the Vikings next weekend too.
Tavaris played well in the first half. Still has a ways to go, particularly when he scrambles out of the pocket and is not seeing open receivers downfield.
Adrian stunk it up yesterday. Hold onto the ball!!! It's a Catch 22 with him sometimes. One time he has 4 guys haning on him and he refuses to go down and breaks loose for a long run, next time he has them hanging on him and he fumbles due to the same guys punching at the ball.
They do need work on the offensive line and a receiver that can get open deep to relieve some pressure on the QB.
The freakin' Eagles made it to the playoffs!!! Beat the Cowgirls... ahem....
44 to 6!!!!!

Chris, congrats! Singeltary just made coach after winning 5 of 7. Good Job!
The Vikes still suck!

Hey, Dec 28th has always been a day of infamy for this franchise.

On Dec. 28, 1975, Drew Pearson mysteriously separated himself from Vikings cornerback Nate Wright, scored the touchdown at Met Stadium that eliminated what might have been Bud Grant's best team, and prompted a cretin to toss a bottle at Armen Terzian's skull.

On Dec. 28, 1996, the Vikings traveled to Dallas to take on the proud but fading Cowboys in a wild-card playoff game, and lost 40-15.

On Dec. 28, 2003, Mike Tice required only a victory over the lowly Cardinals in Phoenix to qualify for the playoffs, and he thought he had one until the Cardinals scored two touchdowns in the last two minutes, with Nate Poole making the winning catch as time expired.
Let us not laugh or smirk to hard at the Detroit Lions.

They have raised the bar of the definition of pathetic and futility to a whole new level!

ESPN Page 2 - Page 2: Who's worst ever -- '08 Lions or '76 Bucs?

'76 Bucs: After a loss, McKay was asked about his team's execution. His now-legendary response? Depending on the source, "I'm all for it" or "I think it's a good idea." (The Bucs were such fabled losers that the line between myth and fact has blurred.) … Overtime bonus: When Tampa Bay got its first-ever win after an 0-12 start to the 1977 season, McKay reportedly -- perhaps apocryphally -- quipped, "Three or four plane crashes and we're in the playoffs!"

'08 Lions: Squaring his professed belief in self and team despite an 0-13 record, Marinelli told reporters, "I believe in the invisible."
My team, The Kansas City Chiefs, went 2-14. Goodbye Herm Edwards, hello no. 3 pick overall. Hard to believe they won a Super Bowl once (for the 1969 season), which I actually saw in my callow youth, so I know it happened. We still miss Lenny Dawson and the late Hank Stram, Rest in Peace.

ViQueens lucked into a win yesterday. If they play like that against the Eagles next weekend they are going to get thier backsides handed to them.
I predict 2 Adrian Peterson fumbles, Tavaris will throw one INT. and Childress will mis-manage the timeclock and throw his red challenge flag on at least one stupid challenge.
Fricken Dallas Dramaboys got there pee pees spanked!!! Hell yeah! That made my whole season, oh and the fact that the Patriots did not make it either is just as great!

Well my Niners will be in the hunt next year! Singletary is the man for the future and he will turn this team around! The team alone has made such strides since he took over.
You mean you guys don't like "America's Team" I'm glad they lost as well, but I don't like Philly much better, fans are just too annoying for my tastes.
At least the Vikes/Eagles game is up here in Minneapolis, don't think the Queens will beat them though.
I guess the 1998 season has me a bit synical about the Vikings and thier ability to win the big one. They always seem to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot.

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