2010 World Cup - South Africa

Who are the World Cup Favorites? Pick your Top 3.

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I'm starting to smell a nasty oder coming from the USA side, That referee is not all there either on this game.
The USA was robbed. I was watching it with a group of us. None of us saw any offsides and Bradley was clearly being held. WTF?!?!

The referee (Koman Coulibaly of Mali; MALI? FFS what is a doofus from Mali doing calling a game in the world cup?) claims that Maurice Edu committed a foul on the goal. WTF? I've watched that replay a dozen times and if there was a foul on anyone it was on the Slovenian defender marking Bradley and possibly on the one marking ALtidore as well.

The referees in some of these matches are just piss poor; the one in the Germany-Serbia match being probably the worse I've seen, but this guy wasn't a lot better.
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If England
somehow squeak through the group stages with form like this, the first decent team they meet will obliterate them. What's this love affair with Wright-Phillips? He's come on and done what? Get Cole on, CREATE SOMETHING and who knows, a ball might fall to Gerrard that he can score with, he's just about the only one likely to.
It looks as though everybody controls their own destiny for the most part in Group C. The USA advances if they win; same is true for either Slovenia or England. It only starts getting muddled if both of the final matches are drawn in which case the US has the edge over England on the basis of most goals scored. Even Algeria can possibly advance with a win if Slovenia beats England.

According to at least one report, the foul that was called on the Edu disallowed goal was actually on Carlos Bocanegra who (according to the report I read) had his arms wrapped around Slovenian defender Jejc Pecnik. I'll have to watch the replay again because the only fouls I saw were the ones committed by the Slovenian defenders against Jozy Altidore and Michael Bradley.
The USA advances if they win

They can advance if they tie Algeria and IF England ties or looses to Slovenia.

The Japan/Netherlands game is boring me...waiting for Australia vs. Ghana
I have just about had it with the referees at this tournament!
These morons are just flinging yellow and red cards around all over the shop.
How the hell can u red card someone for having a ball rocketed into his arm?
A great start for Australia now gone down the toilet thanks to the over-officious git in the red shirt.

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