2010 World Cup - South Africa

Who are the World Cup Favorites? Pick your Top 3.

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Another pointer at the folly of picking the world champions after match 1 of the group stages...

Who picked the World Champions after the first week? I don't think anyone seriously did that.

If you are referring to Germany after the Serbia game, yeah that was certainly no the best game by Germany. They are much more capable of that. They were far to conservative, and the Refs did not help at all with some of the bullshit calls that were made.

Podolski is the big loser here, after missing the 11m that would have tied the game. Overall though the Germans still played better in my opinion, but were just to conservative.

I still truly believe this will be a wake up call for the Germany team. They will beat Ghana next week and they will advance to the final 4. Once in the half finals it is luck for luck any team...
RSA took it to France, played pretty well. Wonder if anybody will show up at the airport to greet the French team.....Sad.
Not sad about the French for loseing,they should of never been there, sad that in such a world event the French would put up such a shameful display of professionalism and sportmanship to tarnish the games.
What's really sad and depressing is that Budweiser is the official beer of the cup,barf.........

I notice that too. I think it's hilarious. It appears that not only are they the official beer, but it appears that they are the ONLY beer allowed in the stadiums. Anyone see anything but Budweiser? That's the coup of the century! Wonder how much that costs.

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