2010 World Cup - South Africa

Who are the World Cup Favorites? Pick your Top 3.

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I think it was too close to call. Nothing to bitch about in that game.
I don't think so, the line referee was just sleeping, I guess.

Wasn't impressed by the German team. They won like the Dutch team does at this time, without inspiration. A shame about the Aussies, 2 very nice goals should have brought them further, but it was not to be.
Hey folks,

congrats to the USA, i never thought they would made it. Thumbs up

Sorry for the aussies - but a real gooood game against the serbs. Maybe we will see them in 2014.

For Germany : Ok, we made the round, good; but the game against ghana was awful ( for my opinion), and if we play with this style against the Brits - good night germany.


Been waiting 4 years for the cup and I'm going to watch all I can good or bad, if Germany and England play the way they have been I agree, a yawner, I keep waiting to see the Rooney from the Premier league to show up thou. New Zealand victory would be nice and Italy going home would make my day.
Its not that I'm bitching its just the same dam call from the Slovenia game.

Not dying to watch todays games....

Italy vs Slovakia
Denmark vs. Japan
Cameroon vs. Netherlands

Denmark can play a fairly good game. They still have to qualify, but need to win to be sure, so Denmark-Japan can be interesting. The Dutch don't have to win, so they'll probably will consolidate, not an exciting match I think.
Nail biting finish on the Italy game,now why couldn't Italy play like that for atleast a full half? Slovenia played hard and deserved the game.......
Nail biting finish on the Italy game,now why couldn't Italy play like that for atleast a full half?

That's a question I am sure they will be asking themselves on the plane ride home. What a shame to squander all that talent with a lackluster performance - not only in the last game but the previous two as well.
Think he's in the same position as the French one,they are both at their end of their tenure as coaches anyway....
Alright Slovakia! Goodbye Italy! The team that I hate the most is on their way home!

No, England is just as bad. I would say: "Good night audience"

I think the Germans are much better than they played. They were just very conservative, not really bad. The reason they were so conservative is because of all the damn yellow cards they had.

Not saying the Germans do not need to improve. They need to improve a lot more in order to make it further in this World Cup, but they are better than they played.
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France and Italy gone. Could Spain possibly follow? If Spain draws with Chile, Switzerland can overtake Spain in the group standings IF the Swiss beat Honduras. Wouldn't THAT be something?
I wonder how quick the italian coach will be fired

I just called my uncles in the old country and there is a sea of tears out there.

Look this: "back to home with shame"

We going to play with the winner of England vs Germany, Germany sems a bit better but cant say I am sure they will win.

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