2010 World Cup - South Africa

Who are the World Cup Favorites? Pick your Top 3.

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I think that every countries press says the same thing about their countries team (with possibly the exception of Brazil...). The press should just let the guys play.
by Rob Crilly
The Daily Telegraph Friday 26th March 2010

The South African government admitted yesterday that it was worried about violent protests breaking out during this summer's World Cup. The country has been rattled by escalating township protests over the past month, with impoverished communities demanding access to basic services. Recent demonstrations have been marred by shootings, arson and stonings, prompting the government to raise the security levels as the June 11 kick-off nears.

South Africa already suffers from high instances of violence: car-jackings are commonplace and an average of 50 killings are reported each day. "Obviously, we are concerned" said Themba Masek, a government spokesman. "The violent and destructive nature of some of the protests is unacceptable. We do not want to see these demonstrations, especially during the World Cup, when the country's attention and focus should be to host the best tournament ever."

The head of the South African army announced a security shake-up yesterday in the face of escalating violence. Lt Gen Solly Shoke told a press conference in Pretoria that the armed forces would take over responsibility for border patrols on April 1 in order to free police for fighting crime. "We are ready to help where needed with the World Cup" he said. "All army leave has been cancelled over this period. We will be on high alert."

Organisers are expecting 350,000 foreign visitors to attend the four-week football tournament which is being held in Africa for the first time. The economic boost to the South African economy has been revised downwards however, because of slow ticket sales.

Hotels are stepping up security to reassure fans they have little to fear, despite the country's reputation. Private companies are also offering their services to visitors concerned about safety.

Lt Gen Shoke said he did not expect any threat to the tournament "This World Cup is not about security, it's about enjoyment. People must be allowed to come here and enjoy the soccer."

The border patrols are part of South Africa's push to prevent trafficking in drugs or people. The country proposed its first direct legislation to target trafficking last week, with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. The new law will not be in place before the World Cup but South Africa will train police to use existing legislation to tackle trafficking. Ngaoko Ramtlhodi, the chairman of parliament's justice committee said "Anticipation of an increase in trafficking, especially for sexual purposes, ahead of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, has focussed attention on South African ability to deal with trafficking."
It would be interesting to know the opinion of the south afrikans here, I have some cousins that are planning to travel there to support the argentine team( cousins with more money than me of course) but they arent really sure about it.

The travel agencies here say is quite OK, but the local media is starting to publicate some horror stories wich made the thing a bit uncorfortable.

So..is so bad the violence?' It is confinned to some areas of the country ? or what ?
Well Germany is going to the World Cup without their captain Ballack. He sustained a serious injury on Saturday. The guy who fouled him should have received a suspension for what he did as well.
Only 12 more days! Man I can't wait! A Poll has been added.

Here is some back ground information for the participating teams.

No. of World Cups: 13
1st Place: 1
2nd Place: 2
3rd Place: 2
4th Place: 1

No. of World Cup: 15
1st Place: 2
2nd Place: 2

No. of World Cups: 3

No. of World Cups: 3

No. of World Cups: 4

No. of World Cups: 17
1st Place: 4
2nd Place: 2
3rd Place: 1
4th Place: 1

No. of World Cups: 19
1st Place: 5
2nd Place: 2
3rd Place: 2
4th Place: 1

No. of World Cups: 8
3rd Place: 1

No. of World Cups: 14

No. of World Cups: 2

No. of World Cups: 13
1st Place: 1
4th Place: 4

No. of World Cups: 17
1st Place: 3
2nd Place: 4
3rd Place: 3
4th Place: 1

No. of World Cups: 4

New Zealand
No. of World Cups: 2

Ivory Coast
No. of World Cups: 2

No. of World Cups: 2

South Africa
No. of World Cups: 3

No. of World Cups: 4

No. of World Cups: 2

No. of World Cups: 2

No. of World Cups: 6

No. of World Cups: 8

North Korea
No. of World Cups: 2

No. of World Cups: 9

No. of World Cups: 11
1st Place: 2
4th Place: 2

South Korea
No. of World Cups: 8
4th Place: 1

No. of World Cups: 9
3rd Place: 1

No. of World Cups: 11
4th Place: 2

No. of World Cups: 9
2nd Place: 2
4th Place: 1

No. of World Cups: 9 (some as Czechoslovakia)
2nd Place: 2 (as Czechoslovakia)

No. of World Cups: 5
3rd Place: 1
4th Place: 1

No. of World Cups: 13
4th Place: 1
Dutch are going unusual well this year. Usually it's tradition to qualify very late (best is to use the last chance) and then play bad in the games up to the tournament. This time it's different. Maybe this time a (semi) final would be another nice difference?
So I decided to be unusually patriotic and vote for my own country (not that I believe it of course )
Come on guys, vote, it's not long before the start of the games!
England look like the have the best chance for a couple of years. Fairly easy run to the semi's hopefully. As for the rest can't discount Brazil and the Netherlands are certainly looking good this year. Germany always seem to well in the finals but the lack of Ballack will hurt you I think so I don't see them winning but last 4/8 at least. Argentines are looking good but I reckon they'll implode at some point or at least Maradonna will just loose it.

Ballack is replaceable! He is only a mental factor for the Germans. He is not even the best player on the team. Personally I like his replacement better anyhow.

I think the Germans are going to surprise everyone. The team is a very young and talented team and is made up mostly of the same players that won the last U21 Euro Cup 2 years ago. I think this team will go as far as they want to and has a great chance of winning the whole thing.

Bad news however for the Dutch. It looks like Robben will miss the World Cup.

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