A Dewoitine D.520 under Italian flag - From the Azur kit in 1:32

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My pleasure Alberto. I think the layout of these camo at the wing top looks quite good. Of course these camo spots were of a little different shapes what can be seen in your pictures of the Red6. However I would like to pay your attention to the camo of stabilizers and elevatores that seem to be there too. It would mean that the fin sides were repainted only. And of course the top of the engine cowling too.
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Yes, tail planes were repainted, as seen in my pictures posted a few days ago.
On the wings I will do my best to copy shapes visible on pictures.
In the mean time I just finished the drawing needed to produce masks:

Hi, I'm finally able to show some pictures of the revised camou.

French roundels over-painted also on wings undersurfaces

To do the above I used same paint used to over-paint those surfaces previously painted red yellow stripes.
For the position of those roundels I followed the only document I had available, this one:

Tomorrow I should be able to paint the red six, then I will start thinking to decals.

Not yet sure if there was a red "164" (Squadriglia number) on the fin as seen in this profile concerning "red 1"

The real issue for me are stencils.
None supplied with Azur kit.
Found none on period pictures I've seen.
On the Tamiya 1/48 there are some, as can be seen here

Does anybody have an idea on the above?
Many thanks in advance
Hello Al

nice work !

on the french aircraft:

capital letter, minimal height 64mm in red color:
- LEVER ICI , with a vertical Arrow

sometimes under the tail , ahead the tail wheel

sometimes under the wing
- VERIN, at the place for jacking

On the D520, sometimes in white letters on the flap/fairing
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Alberto... looking great although there is still a couple of incorrections of the camo scheme. But I like it very much..
Perfection isn't belonging to human being ... at least this is my excuse!
In any case many thanks to Woitec for his comment and to Waroff for suggestions on stencils.
I cannot print white colour so I cannot do "NE PAS MARCHER" but I should be able to do the other ones.
Some small updates:

Painted-on the "red six" and added exhaust pipes.

Also added main wheels and landing gear covers.

Decal's lay-out is ready but I will wait a little bit before printing it: I would like to see if I can add something else to that sheet to make a better usage of it.
Nice Alberto. You painted that 6?
Yes, the red six was painted using the airbrush and a little mask I made with my cutting plotter

The light grey colour is the real colour of the masking fil, red and blue have been added on Paintshop to show contrast.

The plotter I mentioned above is this one:

I used it also tu cut masks for the roundels and for the white band.

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