A few more future releases. (1 Viewer)

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Spotted some interesting new, and future releases in the Hannant's newsletter.

Due next week from a NEW manufacturer, with an 'imaginative' name (!) - Wingsy are releasing their first kit, in 1/48th scale, of the Mitsubishi A5M2b Type 96. Looks quite good, although perhaps a bit pricey for a 1/48th scale fighter, at £39.99 UK price.
Details at Hannant's, or at www.wingsykits.com

Some new stuff coming from ICM too, with a few 1/72nd scale new releases, which I didn't note down, some more versions of their 1/48th scale Ju-88, and one which should really fly off the shelves, a 1/48th scale Heinkel He-111H-3 (just because I searched and fell foul of HM Customs trying to get the Revell/Monogram example !).
For fans of Russian aircraft, there's a also a MiG 25 in 1/48th scale, and two versions of the Polikarpov I-16, the Type 24 in 1/32nd scale, and the Type 28 in 1/48th scale. These are due in the 2nd quarter of the new year, with the Heinkel due in the 3rd quarter. No prices yet, but if that He-111 is a good as their Dornier and Ju88, I'll be breaking my 'No More Kits' rule !
One I missed from the new Airfix kits for 2017 is their new, 1/72nd scale B-25C Mitchell, which looks to be very well detailed, internally and externally. Pity it wasn't released a few months ago, in 1/48th scale !
Also in 1/72nd scale, is their superb new Victor, the new B-17G, and Blenheim Mk.IV, as well as a Spitfire PR.19 and the British Phantom and Shackleton AEW 2.
It would be nice to see the Mitchell, Blenheim and Phantom repeated in 1/48th scale, but first - where the **** is the Spitfire Mk.XIV ??!!

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