A few questions....

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Here's a couple more bits and pieces Maria. A couple of JG26 and a couple of JG 2 . The colour scheme for Wick's aircraft would be easy to do without an airbrush, as the real aircraft wasn't sprayed, but stippled, either with a stiff brush or a sponge. I'm fairly sure I've got spare decals for this one if you want them.
The map shows the fighter airfields in the Pas de Calais region during the Battle of Britain, with the three main JG 26 fields ringed, at Audembert (5), Marquise (6) and Caffiers (7).
If you'd like a great big huge mound of stuff, too big to post here or e-mail, bung me a PM or e-mail with an address, and I'll send a CD over with loads of pics, profiles and details of most of the airfields in the Pas De Calais, 1940 to 1944, plus other bits and pieces covering all of the JG's in France.
You could very easily build a nice little diorama, without too much work, and for little expense, to show the 'Emil' in a typical camouflaged dispersal, and the pics will give you some ideas.


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Wasn't Wick shot down and killed in '41 or something?


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Nice stuff Jan. Yep, Wick was shot down by Dundas, in late 1940 - November I think, I'd have to check. He went in to the Channel, but was never found. Dundas was in turn shot down by Wick's No2, IIRC.
Good heavens guys, you've been busy!
Thank you very very much for all of the information and the images/profiles, they've been saved in my ever-increasing Luftwaffe-folder - with a happy smile on my face during the process.
Good thing too, that I've just recently bought myself an external hard disc drive, so I've got the space to save anything interesting regarding WW2 and the BoB that I might come across.
Well, my Germany-folder has already stored worth 1.8 gb's worth of stuff, and the Galland-folder is approx. (currently) 682 mb's. That's including small video files, documents, maps, training/instruction files and images found all over the web.

Anyway, thanks again - I certainly can't complain on lack of information needed for making a decent diorama now, and the accuracy of the model plane paint won't be lacking anything in facts based on the actual plane either, that's for sure!

And Max?
I'm all ears when you get to researching that Galland 262'er.
Few more from SAM Combat Colours No.1


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It's an idea, but I'm sure there's going to be lots of them in next years BoB build. Still, we could continue with the theme from 1940 onwards...'The Abbeville Boys' Build?
I'm in.

And another thing besides that:
It sure seems like I'm going to have to make a lot of file folders for the various geschwader/plane patterns, as I'm sure there's a lot of plane profiles to be found, not only here, but all over the web.
Seems like I've got me some work cut out here.
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Yep! I'd say put aside a year or three, and you should have a good library of files! BTW, I can still put those books onto a CD if you want them? There are two or three on profiles of 109's and 190's alone, plus lots more on Luftwaffe subjects.
As far as a scenery base or diorama,here's what I do. Cut a piece of plywood to the size you want.Sand the edges smooth and paint the edges only, red.(This simulates a cutaway section)Paint the base brwon or tan and let dry.If you go to a hobby shop that sell trains,you can get some Woodland Scenics Grass and earth mixtures.Now you need some Elmers white glue.Get two containers.Pour out half of one container into a bowl or measuring cup to re-use later.Fill the half empty container with water and shake well.Now take the un-touched container and run a bead of white glue around the top edges of your base.When you get a continuous bed around the edge,use the mixed container and pour some into the middle of the base.Use an old brush and spread the glue around until the base is covered.You may need more glue to accomplish this.When the glue is spread all over the top,sprinkle some of the grass material or earth moxture over the glue.Now you can see the reason for the bead around the dges.It will contain the dluted glue.It will look all milky.Don't worry.Tommorrow The glue will disappear. While the glue is wet you can use a brush or stick to cut ruts or add a couple of small rocks.When the glue is completely dried,turn the base over and dump the loose scenery material into a large flexible bowl.You can now return it to its container.(If you've mixed colors,don't worry,the mixture will only look better for the next tryy.)Add a model and some figures and you're done.This will make a convincing Diorama and if you just experiment with colors and materials you will only get better at it.When you are done you can pour the rest of the glue back into the diluted container.Here are some pics of a spitfire which I messed up on the decals.I added some battle damage,broke off a landing gear leg and placed the plane on it.I'll post some other dioramas on the forum later on.You can also make the diorama and use it for different planes as I will show later.



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Here's another example.Cut your board to the size you want as above and paint the edges red.Take some balsa wood and cut planks to simulate a cariier deck.Use the white glue to glue the planks down.Add some styrene to simulate arrester wires and paint either dark brown or tan.U.S. carriers were dark brown or grey.Japanese carriers were a tan color.Add a model and some figures and you are finished.


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