it's hard to sum up really anything concrete on the Ekdo 262 unit as it was absorbed including what victories it had to Kommando Nowotny who scored maybe 22 kills and lost 28 or so 262's about 10 or so due to accidents. the story needs to be written about the Kommando
Exactly Erich! Kommando Nowotny eventually went away for one reason or another - I believe it's because "testing" was complete. Pilots and planes were eventually rolled into JG7 or other units and all the 262 testing units went away, they were now in real live "COMBAT" squadrons.
It seems KG51 followed the same path but entered combat earlier due to Hitler's insistence of the 262 being used as a bomber. I'm still curious about the initial 262s sent to the unit in late July, 1944. Did they sit on the ground or did they fly operationally? Training? KG51 did eventually fly bomber intercept missions, am I right?