A new book in my library.

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So the other day I wander into Barnes Noble and check the bargin bin. I find "Dogfight" edited by Tony Holmes. Cool! Great price - I buy it.

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I get the book home and start checking it out. I have a few books by Tony Holmes and it should be good but.....it starts to look familiar to me. I check some more and......its a compilation of books published earlier. All those "This Plane vs That plane" books all in one hard back. Thats cool since I only had one of them. So this book is compiled of the following.....

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Nice. Looks like a trip to the local B&N is in order after work tonight.
Some definite low flying will on occasion occur.....ok, any and every time I get the chance!
Practice around Macclesfield first!

Btw, a Lancaster cost, when new.....£50,000, in today's money that would be about £1,500,000!
So, a Bugatti or any of the other crazy cars OR......a real Lancaster? :lol:
I think that the Lancaster wins on all points!
Some definite low flying will on occasion occur.....ok, any and every time I get the chance!
Practice around Macclesfield first!

Btw, a Lancaster cost, when new.....£50,000, in today's money that would be about £1,500,000!
So, a Bugatti or any of the other crazy cars OR......a real Lancaster? :lol:
I think that the Lancaster wins on all points!

Just like a woman, old man, its not the initial cost that kills you, its the upkeep!!!
My newest ones today!!


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Paul, please let us know about that Jerry Crandall book. I have a few by him and like his work.
Paul, please let us know about that Jerry Crandall book. I have a few by him and like his work.

Morning Chris,

All in all a nice little book, would love to have seen it bigger or should I say more pages. Pictures are really nice and sharp but the book is only 36 pages long with 8 profile pictures. Nice for modelers as there are some pictures showing both sides of certain aircraft or different views. Could use more detail on pictures though (example under picture caption. A scrap yard of Me262's and has no other details yet others have tons of detail) I picked mine copy up for 9 bucks yesterday. I would not pay more then 10 bucks though as I have seen some pictures on the net or in other books.

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