A sad end to a lot of loving effort

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Donation is sometimes risky in my country too.
20 years ago, a civilian group of ship enthusiasts donated a life size replica of the Santa Maria built in Spain to Kobe City.
The city displayed it outdoors to ruin and abandon after all.
That is indeed very sad - what a waste of ALOT of effort!!

Santa Maria in Kobe. Before and After.
No one should donate anything to the City of Kobe.

It's a difficult thing for a museum. They don't really want to turn gifts away, but if it doesn't fit their mission, it's likely it will languish before being discarded by the ones that make them decissions then left up to some sap like myownself to discard.

All one can do is advise them of what you got, some photos of them and hope for the best.

Sad to say, but there it is.
when i think of all the models that i set aflame or blew apart with fireworks recreating battles in the back yard...how could i have been so foolish
I remember I had an E-boat, Revell, I think it was. Put it in a pond in the creek and then climbed up an 80ft or so bank. I then took out my pellet gun with the intention of putting a hole in the water line and watching it sink bow first before slipping gratefully under water. Well, being 10 or so, and not understanding ballistics, my first shot proceeded to take off the entire upper deck and the hull rolled over on its side and bobbed up and down. Very undramatical.

I never destroyed mine............. I had three little brothers!
Nuff said eh?
When I was a kid, my friend actually built a model with his devious plans for its destruction already in mind. A plastic pill jar was filled with lighter fluid, glued shut, and installed in the fuselage during assembly. A hole drilled in the wingtip received a stout string. On the day of its demise, the model was taken to an open field, set ablaze and swung around on the string until it exploded.

If only we had Youtube back then.....
When I in High school, my little sister decided one afternoon to make my models fly.

Thats why we love em. My sister smashed all the masts on my HMS Victory model the day after I finished the rigging. "Can you fix it, it doesn't look that bad" she said. It was a passable if un researched model of Victory after trafalgar not before it.

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