A Short Story.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
I've posted this here, rather than in the 'Stories' threads, as it is more relevant to this thread topic, compared to the more serious offerings elsewhere.
Provided in PDF format for ease of viewing, this rather odd short story was inspired, or perhaps 'influenced' would be a better choice of words, by a recent, rather strange, very fragmented but vivid dream. I seem to have experienced, during one of those strange moments of semi-wakefulness, sometimes experienced in the twilight moments between being fully asleep and fully awake.
Read at your leisure, and would-be 'pirates' be warned - this IS copyrighted, and any infringements WILL be acted upon.


  • Microsoft Word - Emilie.pdf
    144 KB · Views: 100
Thanks very much chaps - glad you liked it.
Not the sort of stuff I'd usually write (done a full novel, and part of the sequel, plus other small items), but the dream was so vivid, even though very fragmented, that I felt I had to develop it somehow.
NOTE:- I've now corrected a few spelling and grammar errors.
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In libre office you can save as epub. Don't know if you can do the same in MS office as I don't use that.

Epub is the open eBook format. Makes it easy to read on tablet, telephone or eReader.
I'm going there later !

Really nice story, Terry, well done!

And Marcel, the file loaded fine on my ipad with no formatting issues.

Now, as for that epub, do they serve bacon perchance? :lol:
Yeah big screens are fine. It's just for my phone, but I can read this as well. Epub is just easier.

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