A story to make you angry....

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I have no words for that kind of behavior but such disrespect for those who sacrificed themselves so that woman and many others enjoy democracy makes me sick...that b*tch should be taken in Iraq and let there to rot...
The swimmer, thought to be in her 30s, is understood to have said: "I pay to come here and swim – you lot don't."

She should have saved her money and bought her own pool. I wouldn't want to swim with filth like her in it.
I was thinking the same thing. I thought we had all the vocal ignorant nutjobs here in the States. Maybe they're migrating.
This is pretty rotten of some civilian to treat wounded servicemen like that.
Someone should kick her butt.

You know what it reminds me of the treatment Vietnam Veterans got when they came home from Vietnam. I have been wondering when events like this from this news article would surface and I believe we will hear more stories like this in the future. It disgusts me no end. That woman I would publicly flog until she bled. But it wouldn't fix the problem and some how I don't think the Wounded British Veterans would want that type of treatment metered out any way.

My way of thinking it is society that drives boundaries and wedges deep into the very fabric of humanity these days which I am appalled about

One question why did the Servicemen feel obliged to leave. When clearly it should have been that ignorant woman and her brood of malcontents being told to **** off
Why? Why do people insist on treating veterans as if they're all wrong? What the hell is wrong with this world? I know I'm a lil messed up, but damn, in the month I've been at my job, I've met veterans from Vietnam, WWII, Korea, Desert Storm and a few currently serving. I work with a Navy veteran who did two tours in 'Nam and an ex-Marine, and there's a few veterans who live in my neighborhood that I regularly talk to, and honestly, I have the UPMOST respect for all who have served. My dad was in the Army from '72 to '75.

It makes me sick to my gut to see this from people who are spoon fed their bullshit on CNN, Fox, NBC and even the BBC. It isn't just the US. It's the whole world. I've heard from fellow teenagers such things as "Why should I care about World War II? It happened too long ago for it to affect me." I gave that ungrateful SOB a good lesson on how it DOES affect him. No words came back. I'm sorry but if I ever saw someone spit on a soldier or disgrace a veteran, I would beat the crap out of them. Unless they were a woman, I'd just call my sister. :lol:
Never sure about anything you read in the papers... "don't let the facts get in the way of a good story" as they say.

Whatever the case it is shameful.

Was watching Jools Holland show the other night and he interviewed Robert Wyatt - he fell out of window and broke his back or summat so he's no vet - but there was a similar thing when he was going to be Top of the Pops - "can't have anyone in a wheelchair on; it's a family show". JFC. That was in the 70s tho.

There should be more mobility impaired people on TV or radio but even in these 'enlightened times' it's near zero.

The only one you see much is Sir Frank Williams or that geezer in the basketball team.
I'm so glad that I weren't there fellas...what I'd have done or more likely said to those disrespectful f**king b*tches and b*astards would have made frontpages all over the world....
I'd have kept the veterans in the pool and taken the other bl**dy *ssholes to the nearest f**king farmer and let them swim in the tank or whatever that the farmer keep his horse/cow manure in..... 25 lenghts or laps around!
Damn this pisses me right f**king off!

Names like c*nts, f*nnies, b*llbags, w*nkers etc comes to mind too....

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