Ahmadinejad refuses to rule out nuclear weapons.

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Agreed 100%.
Pakistan with its nukes is like a monkey with grenade - half population can not read and write, radical movements and absolute poverty makes this country more dangerous to the World then Iran and North Korea combined.

You just described North Korea and Iran as well, so I dont understand your point.

At least Pakistan is not threatening to destroy its neighbors like Iran is.
It's polemic. You don't believe what politicians say, do you?


Who me?

Does or does not Iran and N. Korean threaten their neighbors with nuclear war?

Aren't both nations people living in poverty?

Do or do not both nations have radical movements (Iran the most in this case...).

Both nations have very high illiteracy rates.

So again how are they different from Pakistan in the case. At least Pakistan does not threaten a scorched earth on its neighbors. I agree that Pakistan is a real problem and threat to stability in the region and world, but how are they worse than Iran or N. Korea. The only way I see is if a Nuke falls into the wrong hands. N. Korea or Iran having nukes is already in the wrong hands.
Pakistan actually has nukes and missiles. I'd think NK and Iran are actually more stable.
stable ? hardly with those 2 clowns in charge, all they have to do is mis pms once and who knows what they are capable of.

lets clear the air about your bullshit about Israel taking over more phillistine/palestinian lands shall we, take a nice long visit and see first hand what is going on, Chris named it well, the folks are brutally poor due to their own inactivity and those they elected in charge.
Pakistan actually has nukes and missiles. I'd think NK and Iran are actually more stable.

Keep living in a fantasy world buddy. :lol:

Just because someone has Nukes does not mean they are going to blow everyone to hell. Based off of this last post of yours, the USA, England, France, Russia, China are all unstable....

So again I ask you these questions (and please stop skirting around the facts).

1. How is Pakistan less stable than Iran and N. Korea?
2. When has Pakistan threatened to blow anyone to hell and back just for the hell of it?
3. Do Iran and N. Korea not threaten to blow everyone to hell and back on a regular basis?
4. Does Iran and N. Korea have a pretty radical government?
5. Are Iran and N. Korea not made up of a large population base that lives in poverty?

So lets see. Iran and N. Korea have radical governments, people living in poverty, and openly threaten to destroy their neighbors, and are actively pursuing nuclear weapons and you think they are stable???? :rolleyes:
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Just something you guys would like to see....


  • iran-nuclear-facilities.jpg
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1. I think the Pak gov is more likely to fall than NK or Iran. Leaving useable nukes to whoever grabs them.
2. THIS Pak gov no. See above answer.
3. Yes. Posturing and polemic. See previous posts.
4. They both exaggerate an external threat to stay in power. I don't like either of them but I worry about Pakistan more. Iran's recent election was probably as valid as the recent Afghan election.
5. Surely the average wage of a country is not what we're discussing?

Edit. Nice picture. What makes you think it's actually true?

Erich, I said that an Israeli gov which SAID it was going to stop expansion wouldn't last long.
What any gov says and what a gov does are different.
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5. Surely the average wage of a country is not what we're discussing?

No but people that living in poverty with very little education are more likely to believe and follow a radical government.

PJay said:
Edit. Nice picture. What makes you think it's actually true?

Do you actually believe that Iran is not trying to make nuclear weapons? Seriously...
Exactly. What Adler said. They have the resources, well the Uranium part for that matter.


  • Iran nuclear.jpg
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You just described North Korea and Iran as well, so I dont understand your point.

At least Pakistan is not threatening to destroy its neighbors like Iran is.

Pakistan is not thretening - it's acting - terrorizing its neighbor India, hosting terrorist training camps on its own soil, supplying jihadists all over the world, weather it's Chechnya, Bosnia, Afganistan, Iraq, you name it.

Living standards are very low - GDP per capita somewhere around 2.500USD. Compare it to 12.000USD GDP per capita in Iran.

Literacy rate in Iran is close to 80%, to the best of my knowlege they have science and industry over there, when most of Pakistanis live literaly in caves, only 30% of women can read and write.

Iran has oil, so, it's future is bright. What does Pakistan have? A bunch of hungry pesants leading a 16th century lifestyle? They have nothing to lose, really.

The problem with Iran is only its current leadership. Once it's changed they have good chances to become a prosperous and peaceful country.

Same with N Korea - hardworking peaceful people like South Koreans. Their regime will eventually evolve into a moderate and more open, something like China today.
Pakistan is not thretening - it's acting - terrorizing its neighbor India, hosting terrorist training camps on its own soil, supplying jihadists all over the world, weather it's Chechnya, Bosnia, Afganistan, Iraq, you name it.

You just described Iran and N. Korea again. Go read up on the history of these nations and look at all they have done. Some of it will probably churn your stomach.

Besides India does the same to Pakistan. It is a two way street over there...

stasoid said:
Literacy rate in Iran is close to 80%, to the best of my knowlege they have science and industry over there, when most of Pakistanis live literaly in caves, only 30% of women can read and write.

I seriously doubt that it is 80%. The majority of the country does not live in big cities. They live in small towns, women have no rights. The people are illiterate enough to fall into the arms of the radical clerics.

stasoid said:
Iran has oil, so, it's future is bright. What does Pakistan have? A bunch of hungry pesants leading a 16th century lifestyle? They have nothing to lose, really.

Iran has no future until it lets go of the radical clerics ruling it. Until it gets rid of its policy of nuclear destruction of Israel and destabilizing the region, it has no future...

stasoid said:
The problem with Iran is only its current leadership. Once it's changed they have good chances to become a prosperous and peaceful country.

You just described any country in the world.

stasoid said:
Same with N Korea - hardworking peaceful people like South Koreans. Their regime will eventually evolve into a moderate and more open, something like China today.

Maybe in the future. But we are in the now. At this moment, N. Korea is one of the most destabilizing, volotile and aggresive nations in the world. They have already started one war, almost re-started on almost a yearly basis, and with its leadership is a time bomb ready to go off. Hopefully it will not...
DerAdler, I'm probably over-cynical about Western Intell reports. But i remember 'Iraq's WMDs' and the US/Russki 'Missile Gap' and 'Bomber Gap'.
I am always surprised to hear that likely intelligent people actually think that Hussein did not have WMD's.
Iraq certainly HAD WMD's but I read that they had been buried under roads etc.
They were notable by their absence in Gulf War 2.
PJays the things are documented well enough in photos, we gave them ample time to bury and move to places like Syria, this is all known fact. We have covered this several times on this forum during the last party over there...........
There is something on the fire and I don't like the smell of it...

Does anyone else sees WWIII coming up or is it just my very imaginative mind ? Iran wants to attack Israel, Israel will retaliate with help from the US, Pakistan and all other Muslim countries will throw their men into the battle yelling : "Allah Akbar ! Jihad ! Jihad ! JIHAD !"

India, who never liked Pakistan, will not miss its chance to attack it. The British Commonwealth will surely jump in to protect their old colony. North Korea will probably try to make some gains using the back door, with help from China. And Russia, in such a situation with their Tsaristic leader, will surely try to invade East-Europe (may be even the whole God damn continent).

I don't like this at all...
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Maybe your right Maestro, but it's still too early to speculate (still to many what if's, not enough clarity in the situation, least that's what I think).
Still, I doubt the UN will do anything about trying to stop this escaluation until it literally comes up and bites them in the a@@.

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