I dont think it matters whether they are arab, or persian, muslim or christian. For whatever reason, these people do not think or have the same value system as us, and ther are elements of that society that think beheading people is morally okay, or sending twelve year olds into a crowded market is a way to get to heaven. For me its a small step from that kind of crime to lobbing nuclear bombs in the general direction of Israel.
Iran has already demonstrated its complete disdain for the west by its failure to comply with numerous calls to cease their nu8clear program....and we have reacted with our characteristic euro-based vaccilation and weakness. The Iranians have hosted holocaust denial oriented sessions. They sponsor terrorist organizations that destroy sovereign countries, and we do nothing about it. They display flagrant disregard for international protocls and diplomatic immunity and we do nothing about it......I think they are being greatly encouraged and tempted by our weakness to detonate a bomb, or six, by the way we behave.
What we need to do is demonstrate a zero tolerance for these people. They send in their suicide bombers, we send in our b-52s....they sponsor a terrorist organization, we confiscate their overseas assets and send the proceeds to the victims of their sponsored organzation , that kind of thing
Churchill showed the way as to how the Nazis needed to be dealt with 70 years ago. We have forgotten the lessons that we learnt all that time ago. We need to re-learn what we have forgotten.
Iran has already demonstrated its complete disdain for the west by its failure to comply with numerous calls to cease their nu8clear program....and we have reacted with our characteristic euro-based vaccilation and weakness. The Iranians have hosted holocaust denial oriented sessions. They sponsor terrorist organizations that destroy sovereign countries, and we do nothing about it. They display flagrant disregard for international protocls and diplomatic immunity and we do nothing about it......I think they are being greatly encouraged and tempted by our weakness to detonate a bomb, or six, by the way we behave.
What we need to do is demonstrate a zero tolerance for these people. They send in their suicide bombers, we send in our b-52s....they sponsor a terrorist organization, we confiscate their overseas assets and send the proceeds to the victims of their sponsored organzation , that kind of thing
Churchill showed the way as to how the Nazis needed to be dealt with 70 years ago. We have forgotten the lessons that we learnt all that time ago. We need to re-learn what we have forgotten.