Airfix 1/24 Hawker Typhoon

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
For my 50000th Post I will start the ball rolling for my next Project, more than likely a possible long term build of the Airfix 1/24 Hawker Typhoon.

This kit mysteriously arrived on my doorstep many months ago without explanation….I was rather surprised and stunned at the time as to why….and who sent it…? I had no idea it was coming....

After a short while I discovered our man Jan was the most generous Benefactor of this awesome kit.

So…now it's time to get the box open and start this rather large project….

A most grateful THANKYOU to you Jan, for this fantastic Gift, I will do my best to give it the attention it so deserves.

Airfix Typhoon_3776.jpg
I'm building the 1/32 Special Hobby Tempest at the moment. It compares favourably with the PCM kit I built a while ago. I shall be interested to see how this bigger version progresses. By all accounts it is a very nice kit.
Good luck!

Edited Tempest for Typhoon....doh! Still watching though.
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NO Way!!!! Great to see the Big Tiffy build here! And I see it is in great hands. Looking forward to this epic build Wayne!
Give us all the detail and lots of picks. We may then have a 2nd assembly manual to help us who want to build this, to not screw anything up
Thanks Guys.

First bits off the sprues, Main cockpit frames and Firewall, fair bit of work ahead of me....note the minor flash on the tubular framing..
1_Cockpit Framing_3820.jpg
2_Cockpit Framing_3822.jpg
4_Cockpit Framing_3816.jpg

This kit is designed to be open engine OR covered, I have this notion of bucking the system...if I can ?

and that Challenge is Making the Engine cover removable so i can show it closed or opened up....
Oooooooh, this will be fun to watch. I have this one on the shelf and I was considering getting it down once I finish the Hurricane and the late Eduard G-6. Get it gear, Wayne. I am really looking forward to this one.
Great start Wayne! How is the flash situation? Given the number of parts and the amount of flash on that one tubular frame, parts cleanup looks like it could be quite time consuming.
There is plenty of minor flash all over the place....some will be dealt with some not...working on the ones that will be visible in the cockpit area or are in locations where parts will be joined up.

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