Airfix 1/48 P-51D

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I imagine that everything was solved and as you say "the recommendations were noted in the notebook"
Very good job so far Chad, we are still pending to what follows.

Thanks for the kind and encouraging comments everyone. I started piddling with this again about a week ago, figured I only have a small area to repaint and I could get on finishing this up. I started sanding out the blemishes in the gloss black to prep it for another coat when I realized my problems were much more severe. I noticed small hairline cracks spidering through the black paint. Upon noticing this and with closer inspection, I realized that all of my gloss black on the wings had cracked in this manner showing through all the Alclad. The fuselage seems unaffected fortunately. So, needless to say, I am slowly sanding all of the paint back on the wings, top and bottom, to start over entirely with with gloss black and Alclad. Very frustrating, but I am also glad I hadn't already gone ahead with the decals and weathering. I will post pictures later, though not much to see as we all know what sanding through various paint layers looks like. You can actually just make out these cracks in the photo I posted previously of the black outer wing. Also, I finally have some micro mesh sanding pads that should make things a lot easier than before, as I only had sanding sticks from the beauty salon for polishing. I'll keep at it and update again in a few days hopefully.
You are intending to fly this at a later date right ?
Sweet work so far !
You are intending to fly this at a later date right ?
Sweet work so far !
Thanks! Yeah, I will finish it, just sanding a bit here and there between other projects. My Oscar I am working on will have a base of alclad so will probably do both at the same time.

Resurrecting this build. I sanded back the wings to bare plastic and started over. I applied a base of Model Master enamel gloss black then resprayed alclad airframe aluminum after I let it cure for a couple days. I waited another 24 hours then gave the whole thing a coat of MM Acryl clear gloss. The overall clear coat should help with masking and resisting paint peeling as I have had good results so far with this on my Oscar. Also being acrylic I should be able to use oil washes without any problems. I also painted the anti glare panel on the nose with olive drab and faded OD. I am now repainting the blue and black markings on the wings. If all goes well I should be able to start decaling. Fingers crossed.
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