Airfix 1/72 A6M2 Zero...

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 10, 2009
...What I build 3 years ago, steps is coming:

Then an engine cowling



fuel tank


Wheel cowling

And than 'what greate mistake to make' with

No decals:

Wow, you really put a lot of effort into dressing-up that crappy Airfix kit. Excellent work!
Thanks people, I have lot of Airfix 72's which I buy long time ago, but than I didn't have anything to work with - no tools like skriber, no drawings etc. But now ...
Thanks people, I have lot of Airfix 72's which I buy long time ago, but than I didn't have anything to work with - no tools like skriber, no drawings etc. But now ...

I see a lot of dirt cheap 72nd Airfix kits on the web, like 3-5 dollars cheap, and sometimes I'm tempted to buy them up. But then I consider how much work it would take to make them acceptable and I have second thoughts. I know they have some pretty decent stuff in that scale, it's just a matter of finding the kits with minimal problems and giving them a heaping dose of TLC like you did. Again, excellent work.
These cheap Airfix kits are great to test and hone ones skills. If you can make an Airfix kit look good then you've arrived as a skilled modeler. They also force you to learn how to scratch build.

Nice work on this one Aircro
These cheap Airfix kits are great to test and hone ones skills. If you can make an Airfix kit look good then you've arrived as a skilled modeler. They also force you to learn how to scratch build.

Nice work on this one Aircro

I simply can't help myself when is Airfix in question. I also like Matchbox, they have some realy good kit like B-17G, Bf 110C, Wellington and Wellesley - my favorite - they all have raised panel lines what looks better than their Buccaneer etc. New Airfix treads comes.
Btw if anybody wants to do engine that way, make it shore that those rods ahead of engine is shorter than that on photo - cca 1.5-2mm shorter or you could breake it.

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