I think I need to make a couple of things a little more clear, then.
This is Not molding Liquid plastic! This is forming pretty much like the method shown with the balsa block.
The only difference is using the INside of the kit canopy for making the plaster shape. The vacuum formed canopies like the Squadron stuff I find a little too thin to work with. But when forming by the block and opening method as shown in this thread it's probably 3x the thickness of the cellophane aftermarket stuff. More or less the thickness of the kit canopy, so building up is not all that critical.
Picture a box thick enough to put the hose of a vacuum cleaner in a hole in the side. The top would be drilled with a bazillion holes, 1mm, 1/16" holes about 15mm, 3/4" apart in a grid pattern maybe 150mm, 6" square. Add a bit to the bottom of the plaster model to make the sides a bit longer for trimming, double stick tap it to the middle of the grid. Heat the plastic for the canopy in the oven till soft, wear bl00dy gloves, drop this over the plaster model and turn on the vacuum. If the model is reall big, usually thru holes, itty bitty ones, are drilled thru it to help the vacuum around the model.
There are commercial vacuum tables available. This is a general description of them. Hope this helps.