Airfix Bf109 E 1/72

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 11, 2007
As promised some progress pics of the build I started last night.
Made a start by sanding off the overscale rivet detail then used a razor saw to cut through the flaps on each half of the wings so they can be placed in the down position. Stuck them and the wing halves together then made a start on the pit which has a seat and instument panel, added some detail to both port and starboard walls along with a trim wheel beside the seat and a joystick from streatched sprue.
Attached flaps to wings and joined the fuselage halves and put the wings and empenage on. Now waiting for wings to set as they will need quite a bit of filling apart from this the fit has been pretty good overall.
Will probably do this one as Gallands.

Another Galland's 109 - good. Looking forward to seeing your progress on this one. I haven't summoned up the courage to perform major surgery on any of my builds yet, such as flaps ailerons. Wonder how Biker Babe is getting on with her build.
Got a bit more done tonight Cowl spinner and rudder in yellow. Then RLM 65 on undersurfaces and the sides, followed by masking and RLM 02 on wings tail and upper fuselage. Gap still evident at wing root so have filled that and will go over it when I do the mottle on the sides

Got some more done tonight RLM 71 Main camo. and mottling followed by 02 touch ups and mottle engine cowl and prop. in place. Also had a go at making the mass balances for the aielerons from milliput and stretched sprue these need trimming down a touch before they go on.

Nice work...
Does this bring back memories. I've build two of those kits long time ago. Actually it was my first Bf 109 kit I've ever built. Talk about over sized rivets and raised panel lines. Still have them though. If I catch some spare time among other things, would like to do a "makeover" for at least one of them.
I've got this model also so I take a peek on this tread, and You are fast! Just, line on upper wings between two colours ain't sharp enough. Watch references sharply, beacuse I didn't. (Check my me 410 tread)Or don't.
Thanks all.
airco you're right I'll mask the demarcation and sharpen it up. Was trying to be too smart and do it freehand.
This is one of a job lot of 20 1/72 kits I brought from Ebay for £50 so I intend to use them to practice techniques and hone my skills. I was originally skeptical of 1/72 and felt that 1/48 was a much better scale but I developed a very bad habit of having several kits on the go at once and not get round to finishing any of them as I would lose interest about 3/4 of the way through the build. So by working in this scale I can get a quick fix and see it through to the end.
The help and encouragement I get from you folks is also a big help.
Got a bit more done tonight masked the upper surface camo. and resprayed the RLM71 to sharpen up the edges also put a touch more mottleing on. Put the decals on and sealed them with future. Wing cannons on along with the landing gear and painted the canopy although this still needs to a tidy up and has not been glued in place yet.


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