Airventure 2010

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Aug 21, 2006
Just a reminder Airventure 2010 starts this 7/26 and goes till 7/31. As of right now I plan on going on opening day to see the 40 plus DC-3's fly in and will go again on 7/28 which is the 75th anniversory of the first flight of the B-17. Any one looking to hook up let me know and we will see what we can do. Here is a list from Airventure of some of the aircraft that are suppose to show up. This list is hardly complete as EAA is expecting around 400 warplanes from different era's this year.

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh - Aircraft Attractions

And yes Wojtek if the Fw-190A-9 shows up thats on the schedual then I will take plenty of pictures for you old friend

All the best
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Just read that this rare supreme seafire XV is suppose to show up now. Never seen one of these before.


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One day i will make it there!

You need to go at least once. I've been there 4 times. The first time in 1972 six of us took an Olds station wagon with a camper trailer and an Aeronca Champ. We change crews in the Champ about every 2 hours so our stops were planned that way. It was a fun trip. Everybody needs to go through downtown Chicago pulling a camper trailer in rush hour traffic. The guy that was driving didn't want to pay the tolls for hte bypass around Chi town.
Have a blast Paul. I wish I could get there this year. I would love to see all those DC-3s!

Thanks Eric, Im really excited this year to see what improvements there have been. This is year 2 of a 5 year 15million dollar upgrade. They are suppose be be expanding the tarmack for the warbirds to fit more down there to take the pressure off airoshell. Some building where moved and new ones built this year. I may try and go one more day on Saturday as this would also include the night airshow which I have never been to.

Oh the ways of money
That's one heck of a line up Paul! And all those wonderful 'Daks' - what a sight and sound!
Looking forward to loads of pics mate! Have a great time.
That's one heck of a line up Paul! And all those wonderful 'Daks' - what a sight and sound!
Looking forward to loads of pics mate! Have a great time.

Thanks Terry, should be a blast. I cant wait and am wondering what other surprises are in store in the next few weeks before the airshow.
Soo wish I was going this year. Havent been since 2005 !.

Whatever mate, you have a fantastic time !
I got to give people credit for any one going to camp at the EAA this year. I must be a muddy mess out there as its been raining almost every day since last week and now they are calling for flooding. Hopfully the sun will come out and dry it up out there.
Well thats disappointing, I just heard the Fw-190A-9 is canceled for the airshow due to engine cooling problems. Oh well maybe next year. At least better safe then sorry!!!

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