Airventure (2011)

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Great shots, too bad about the weather. The checkerboard twin is actually a Howard 500, I think its the only one still operational. Its based on the Lockheed airframe and it is one of the fastest piston twins ever built. Really cool machine. thanks for posting!


You are correct Jim, I was just to tired to correct it last night as I went back yesterday. Pictures I got on it yesterday. To looks like a hot and very humid day. Fog advisory is out right now. Depending on how I feel when I get home I will post some pictures of the loadstar.

All the best

Excellent shots Paul, ashame about the F-16 and the F-4J. Glad no one was injured. I don't know when shear exhaustion would take over but I would give it a run for the money if I get the chance to spend the week up there one year. Thank you for sharing the experience.
Thanks guys. Here is day 5, the two aircraft where still where they where left from yesterday. I think Ive had enough or at least my body has. The humity is unreal and the temperatures have taken a toll on me. As of now I am not going tommorrow unless I feel better.

Enjoy the pictures.

The Yellow Wings tour is coming here in a few days gonna drag my Dad down , the Vintage Wings Swordfish get there?

It wasnt there when I left today but from what I read it has flown for about 1 hour, they needed to make some adjustments and then it was suppose to come down. That would be one of the only reasons why I might go back tommorrow if I feel better.
Cool find there Eric, Ive heard two different stories on both crashes today. One was they came in to hot the other was that neither one had brakes. Only reason why I would have thought the latter was because there was about and hour between the two crashes. The F4J was pulled out later in the day but the F16 is still sitting there. Always got to be some excitement there. At least no one got hurt. As a side note that very same day the pulled the tires off and f4u corsair right after it landed and they where checking the brakes on it as well after it had landed.
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Great pics Paul!!

Is that you with 'Fifi'?

and how many "Old Crows" are there - 'B' and 'D' models?

Yep, thats me with Fifi. There are two old crows, models C and D. Interesting story on the D model. It no longer belongs to Jack Rouch. He sold it but put in contract that the name of the bird could not be changed once the new owner took over. So they are the only duplicate warbirds currently flying.

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