Airventure 2012

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Aug 21, 2006
I know its early yet but already starting to make tentive plan's for this years Airventure. Any one interested in hooking up let me know as the closer the harder it gets. Attached is a video of some of the things to expect this year along with a few links. This is just a small bit of the big picture.


View attachment AirVenture 2012 Video Asks, 'What's On Your Bucket List_'.mp4
EAA AirVenture - Aircraft Attractions
Newcomers to the Warbirds Area at EAA AirVenture 2012
Rare Junkers JU 52 Coming to Oshkosh
Better Than Ever: Warbirds in Review Announces 2012 Schedule
AirVenture Readies for Cub Invasion
Day one of EAA and man is it a hot one, so hot we have a heat advisory and I gave up after 6 hours. Just too hot to be out there but have 6 more days to go and temps are suppose to go down.

More, The piper cubs are part of the 75th anniversory of the piper cub. I never saw so many in my life there. The field was yellow with them and that does not include all the ones scattered around the rest of the airshow.

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EXCELLENT shots and material Paul!!!!!!!!! The chopper with pusher prop on the rear, what is the model name? Very interesting craft.

Thanks Aaron,

In answer to your question its a Sikorsky Raider. I lucked out and got the pictures early. I am going to have to check it out better tommorrow
Great stuff, Paul. Good to see the C-46 "Tinker Belle" out and about. The Mosquito looks great! A field full of Cubs was something else too.

Thanks Eric, yeah it was great to see her. I was hoping for more pictures to turn out but my camera seems to have been affected by the high temps and not all the pictures came through. Good thing this thing I have 6 more days to get more shots.
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Now Paul....listen very carefully....I am a Jedi Master...These are not all the pictures you are looking for, you will take many more...!

Seriously mate, neat set of shots.

I am now really depressed as I havent been to Osh since 2005, we've had pretty much non stop rain here for the past month and there you go posting cool pics of Warbirds against a blue backdrop and I'm suffering US Airsho withdrawal symptoms !!

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