Akagi Rei-sen (on the carrier)

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Thank you all for your replies and comments!
Chris,thanx for the stunning photos,however, what I'm in need of right now is a good shot of the rear cockpit shown from above..Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
Here is a A6M2 side view and rear view of original plan, Panagiotis.

A Oxygen bottle
B Direction radio receiver
C Compressed air bottle
D DC transformer
E Connector box for the direction radio receiver
F Carbon dioxide bottle as extinguisher
G Storage battery

A bladder is shown in the rear space though I do not know if it was actually equipped.
A friend of mine says it was.

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Here is a A6M2 side view and rear view of original plan, Panagiotis.
Thanks a lot for your valuable info, my friend! Point is, I've already done the cockpit but, having seen the plans you so kindly provided us with, I think the position of the items in the cockpit and aft of it is correctly done..I think..
Well,below is my attempt to create this specific area in my favorite 1/48 scale..

Thanks for looking!
I am beginning to think that coin is really the size of a frisbee;the craftmanship is outstanding

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