AM SBD-3 Dauntless SOB

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Feb 23, 2014
Katy Texas
I am doing this mostly out of request from Dneid whom I have know since 1981 when we were room mates station on Guam. So to be lear I am not the modeler he is and I do this to pass the time. I love airplanes but I normally build jet era planes with a stronger intrest in Vietnam era. I have a start on some yellow wings that I have been having fun with on one will be and SBD-1. I have an SP2u-1 in works (about a year) and a little on an F4F-3 but as this is a start to finish I am hoping to learn and grow in my skill with those that chose to follow and have some input.


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Click the Go Advanced button at the bottom of the Quick Replay window. Then scroll your screen a little bit down and you will fine the Manage Attachment button. Click it and you will open a window of a file selctor for uploading of a picture, etc.... When your image is uploaded click either the INSERT LINE and then DONE buttons or just the DONE one. Your file is attached. For final sending of your post click SUBMIT REPLAY button.
Thank you Wurger. I started shooting the interior but It seems I don't have Interior green and Zinc Chromate is too yellow and OD is too dark I found my SAC bomber green, it is not right either but it will have to do.

I am posting these as the two yellow wings I did get in the done pile.


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Good stuff. If you don't have the correct colour - mix it. The OD, or a dark green, with some yellow added will make a good Interior Green - just add yellow until it looks right.
Yep I agree with Airframes' post above.

Also please resize your pictures down to 800 pixels in the width before posting. The large ones can cause a trouble with uploading pages for a couple of guys here making it getting slower.
YES!!! About time! Damned glad to see you getting a start to build thread going, Don. You are already seeing how these guys love to give advice and ideas. This is one of the things I love about this forum and these guys here. You can always count on Airframes, Wurger, Crimea River, and a few others to chime in with ideas and offer plenty of help during a build.
I have been trying to take pictures for over an hour. My camera is a point and shoot and I cannot to get a good focus on my subject. I will have to try something else. Any suggestions will help. I am trying to take photos of the cockpit and fuselage rt and left. I know there has to be a way.
I was trying that, not getting very far. I got to thinking maybe it is focusing on other stuff. Maybe a poster board or drop cloth to set as background might help. Going to try that out.

Thanks all.
I agree with Glenn there. Most 'point and shoot' cameras focus at a minimum of between two and four feet. Check the camera instruction manual for this, to see what the minimum distance is. If the camera doesn't have a macro facility, then shoot from just outside the minimum distance. For example, if it's, say, two feet, then shoot at around two feet six inches, using a plain, uncluttered, neutral coloured background - paper, card, cloth sheet etc.
You won't get the same resolution or close-up detail as would be expected from macro, but you can then crop the required area, and re-size that to the best you can get, with an overall size no more than 800 x 600 pxl.
OK heres the update, you all were right it takes range and quite a bit 3 to 4 feet did it and I used the blue cloth to give back ground, well it ain't perfectbut I am happy. Interment panel and front cockpit walls.


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just a gentle prod then Dale...:D

Lol, Wayne. But, there is nothing gentle about Don. Subtle to him is a cattle prod to his ample backside. BTW, did we mention we were room-mates while in the USAF over on Guam in the early 80s? Oh, the stories I can tell........

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