AM SBD-3 Dauntless SOB

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Looking quite good. Not sure about the colour of the engine cylinders though.
Engine is per the walk around (squadron signal) and the engines I have seen out at the local CAF. Grey with black rocker arm covers. The push rods and wire harness is steel. And yes I did catch the IP was cocked off. Have to look at the seat but sure it is fine. Had to fight the wing though and the whole damn thing looks off alignment with the upper wing on and the tail stabs on.


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Good job on that cockpit, Don. I hate it when I have to deal with alignment issues with the various flying surfaces. Hence, I dry fit, dry fit, then dry fit one more time. I can usually get things sorted before I hit it with the glue.
I dry fit several times but it was still out when I mated the fuselage together, but I was expecting it, about the aliment thanks everyone for the help..
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Had some wing gap on the left side I had to fill. Gap filling super glue. I've done more work but need batteries for the camara so I'll up date them in a while. Anyway gap filling super gle and then I filled it down and did some putty work to clean it up and pu tthe cowl on. I'll update pictures as I can.


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Coming along nicely Don. From personal experience, you might have trouble covering the felt marker on the tail. I tried to accent panel lines, and the ink bled through 4 coats of Mid-Stone.

Hey, Don,
If that is a sharpie, try using a dry erase marker (I used yellow). Dry erase marker will lift up sharpie. Had to use that when the kids went crazy with a sharpie on their new furniture years ago and it worked like a champ.
Thanks I did not know about the bleed through effect. I was marking for later assembly. I'll try the dry eraser, if that don't work, I have a BELT SANDER AHHHAAAAA HAAA HAAAA, oh sorry did not mean for the mad modeler to come out.
Well I shot the first coat of Intermediate Blue on, mostely to find where I needed to work. I have so work to do but it is coming along. Oh and BTW, an alcohol swap cleaned the pem marker off the tail.


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