...and All is alright with the World.

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Only in CANADA you say, old Chap ... pity. All the more season to visit. But - you could buy a loin of pork, trim it lean - and cold-brine-cure it for some time, and then roll in corn meal and wrap air tight and refrigerate. Voila - Canadian back bacon. Very popular here in the colony as a country fair sandwich - served on a (toasted) Kaiser with good moutarde and du 'kraut Bon appetit.


Reason enough to visit the colonies ! I'll have a go at that Michael.
I'll have to make sure that its English..sorry, British Pork served on nice locally made proper bread with strong English mustard. Or, Mint perhaps?
Ummm...choices choices.
None of this European moutarde and du'kraut nonsense please.

I hope you Canadians are suitably glad that QE2 is over 'the shits' and back in harness serving us all. A few of our 'new friends' don't appear to give a flying ****...
Outrageous and we'd send a gunboat if we had one...


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