...and All is alright with the World.

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Terrance, I am slightly concerned (only slightly you understand old boy) that the young American colonials have all gone tonto...

Icehole, Azz's,corksuckers, cornholes and references to get one up the Gary Glitter in Deliverance.... Have the Soviets put something in their water supply?

Not their water, but their bacon supply.....not having water one can deal with, just look at Londoninum back in the day, dirty and unhealthy water, what did one drink.....beer, but...being without bacon....one does shiver by the mere thought!
Bacon... ummm.

Before I joined the forum, bacon was a simple thing that we kept in the fridge and enjoyed with fried eggs.
Now the satanic power of the rasher has invaded my house, family and thought process... bacon in stews, bacon sarnies, a pile of bacon with baked
beans, grilling, frying, rolling it up to oven bake....

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh. Bacon Bacon Bacon Bacon... whop whoop wibble my old mans a mushrom...

I have shown my lad how to fry smoked bacon to crispy perfection in an onion bagel.

What have you all done to me
It's even spreading to the French wine-producing areas - Bacon Rouge, Nuit St. Bacon, Chateu Baconage .......... and the BBC, British Bacon Confederation ...... BP, Bacon Producers, BNP, Bacon National Party ................... and it's even been Knighted, Sir Francis Bacon, a Derbyshire town has changed its name to Bacon and .... I'll get me coat

I tried to 'bacon you' Terry as that post made me smile bu,t some miserable bastard box thing says I have used 'like', 'bacon' too many times in 24 hours....
Down with the bacon police
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