Anybody remember...

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1st Lieutenant
Apr 27, 2008
Hurst, Texas
...that old TV series from back in the early 80's (made a movie out of it at one point, I think), called "V"? Where aliens discover earth, but turn out to not be quite as friendly as they seem? Yeah. They're bringing the series back. I guess BSG was so popular that they're gonna try this one again....which I am looking forward to! Just hope they don't screw it up!

"V" (2009) - Episode list
Pilot airs on the SyFy (new, modern renaming of SciFi channel) on Nov 3rd, according to IMDB. I'll try to watch it, but the previews look amazing.
Wow, this brings back memories. I thought they did a pretty good job with the original series. It will be tough to beat, but I'm looking forward to it.
Yeah, looks like a good show. I hope they don't do it like BSG. I watched the first couple episodes of the new show and the Cylones looked great and the battles were great. After that, you never saw them again and it was just actors. I never watched it again.
I remember there was some toxic gas used by the humans that was poisonous to the aliens? Made them peel their skin off to reveal their scales? Is that right?
...did the aliens eat hampsters in the original "V" series? Honestly that is all I remember. Oh and that they were lizards under the skin and the guy who played "Beastmaster" was one of the actors.
I'm not sure, I was about 5 or 6 when that series was on TV. Still, I've seen em both (haven't seen final season of new one), and they both frakkin' rock!
...did the aliens eat hampsters in the original "V" series? Honestly that is all I remember. Oh and that they were lizards under the skin and the guy who played "Beastmaster" was one of the actors.

Marc Singer was the Guy...yeah I watched V, got the Mini series here somewhere on DVD...
I always remember the two hot alien chicks...
It's amazing how the 80's hairstyles were popular on the alien home planet too. :D

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