Australia Day

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Unfortunately I'll be working Heinz, so I hope you have an enjoyable long weekend in our great 'Sunburnt' nation! (although Queensland is looking very wet at the moment).

Rule #1 - There will be no pooftahs!

Have a good Aussie day all - and remember....


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Happy Australia Day (tomorrow), to all my digger friends. I hope it's a
cause to imbibe for.....

Cheers les, lucky and Charles.

As for those looters they are bastards!

As for my day went to watch some motorcycle racing at Phillip Island!

Came home caught the last part of the arvo session for the cricket.

Everything is going to plan.
bit late but ive been busy recently well i got really drunk at the cricket and and watch some of the finest players to ever play the game i.e Kumble....Tendulakr...Gilchrist...Laxman....Dravid...Ganguly!

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