Battle of Britain 'Bits Box'.

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Thanks for that 13.
I have been looking on ebay, and one available wants 42 bucks to ship from the US to this big island! Can't do that one mate!!!!!!!!!!!

Even Amazon, did you know you can get kits from the Jungle?
I don't think I could expect anyone in the forum to part with one now that I know they are as rare as hens teeth.
Boohoo, Bill
Already checked KK Jan, and everywhere else I could think of. Even looked for the Matchbox / Revell He115 as an alternative, without any luck.

42$ !? That's a Rip-off of COLOSSAL magnitude!

I tried looking for a Do-24 or BV-138 but no luck there.

Did find one He-115 though:
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ERRORS in Parts 2 and Three.
Please note that a certain numpty made some errors and omissions whilst typing Part Three, the Luftwaffe units. These have now been corrected so, if you have already downloaded the PDF, delete it and download the revised version.
Also, in Part Two (Luftwaffe aircraft), there is a typographical error under the section covering the Dornier Do 17.
The entry reading Do17 F-1 should read Do 17 P-1. This has not been corrected in the PDF.
My apologies for any inconvenience - lack of sleep causes errors !
Harrison, yes, you can do a Do 17 M, it's included in the listings.

I stand corrected.

And thanks for the update Terry.
Quick answer - different engines. The 'M' had Bramo 323A engines, whilst the 'P' had BMW engines, though they were the 132N variant. There were also detail changes, but the Wiki thingy will probably show all this (I haven't looked).
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Part Four - RAF Camouflage Markings.
Here's Part Four, covering the basics for R.A.F. camouflage, markings, stencils etc for the period of the BoB. Again, it's in PDF format for ease of viewing and filing.
Part Five, Luftwaffe Camouflage Markings will be ready soon.
Don't forget, Chris's (Njaco) thread, 'This Day in the BoB', will give you a day to day account of the Battle, and is extremely useful for finding those important details regarding dates, units etc.


  • BoB Bits 4 RAF colours..pdf
    329.8 KB · Views: 2,961
Terry, that's a heaping pile of work you put into that! Great stuff and thank-you.

Looking forward to the LW stuff. Lots to talk about there I'm sure.

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