Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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B-17G cruising speed:287 mph at 25000 ft Max Speed: 302 mph at 25000 ft

B-29 Cruising speed 230 mph at optimum altitude Maximum speed 358 mph at 25000 ft

B-25J Cruising speed 215 mph at optimum altitude Maximum speed 300 mph at 30000 ft
That was the G model, the later model here are some of the earlier models:

B-17B: Maximum speed 292 mph at optimum altitude
B-17C: Cruising speed 231 mph Maximum speed 323 mph
B-17E: Cruising speed 224 mph at 15000 ft Maximum speed 318 mph at 25000 ft

As you can see the earlier B-17's were about the 230 mph cruising speed that you said. The one I stated ealier was just the optimum B-17.
um lets see

Now I have found conflicting reports about the B-17G if you go to it says that the cruising speed was only 182 mph on the G model. Now that would make sense because the G was weighted down with extra armor and defensive weapons. This website though has the earlier models much faster then on the other in some cases the C and D models being as fast as 250 mph at cruising speed. The same goes for the this website:
It is something that I think warrants further investigation.
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
B-17G cruising speed:287 mph at 25000 ft Max Speed: 302 mph at 25000 ft

B-29 Cruising speed 230 mph at optimum altitude Maximum speed 358 mph at 25000 ft

B-25J Cruising speed 215 mph at optimum altitude Maximum speed 300 mph at 30000 ft

The B-17 rarely made 200 when loaded, the speed I've seen was normaly around 170mph on the way in.
Yeah when the aircraft is fully loaded it is a lot slower. That is true of all aircraft though fighters, bombers, transports. The heavier the aircraft the slower it will fly. Weight sometimes effects the handling characteristics of the aircraft also. The same is for the Blackhawks we fly, when we are light we can haul ass but if we get up around 19,000 to 20,000lb we struggle to get over our cruising speed and she tends to handle a little sluggish.
B-17G could crack 300...

And lanc, I get the feeling that you are comparing the unloaded cruise of the Lancaster and the loaded speed of the B-17. An unfair test, something you do very often.
in any case the B-24 and B-17's were sitting ducks when an organized rear attack by heavy Fw's was on the scene. In fact many of the SturmFw staffeln had to reduce speed after taking out the rear gunners postion to form an attack further.

Back to this thread or another where itwas mentioned that the 2cm HE Minen was not sufficient is not true. 6-10 rounds were only needed fired in the right places to bring a bomber down, and in the case of experten pilots flying typical A-8's such as Konrad Bauer of II.Sturm/JG 300, the Fw 190A-8 unarmored was a lethal machine as well as defending itslef against P-51's.

E ~
If the G could crack 300, it was just cracking it. The F was the fastest of the B-17 models.

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