Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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Yes the F was faster and could easily top 300 however it was also lighter than the G. As for the Fw-190 yes it was truely a bomber killer. It was remarkable at doing its job of bring down B-17's. Which did not see to hard to do with a Fw-190.
There's something funny about the Fw-190; when its sitting on the ground the main landing gear looks as if they haven't fully opened up but they're actually made that way. I don't know.. Maybe its just me... I just have this itch of getting to one of those fighters and pushing those wheels a little farther apart...
The wheels are out of proportion from the rest of the airframe but its still a great looking aircraft.


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From the side view, the whole landing gear seems rather out of proportion. The wheels are too small and the struts are too long.
Yeah I always thought the same thing that the struts were too long but at the same time there is probably a reason for this like to keep the blades from striking the ground. I dont know if that is the reason but it is the best reason I can come up with. If anyone knows the reason for this it would be great to know. Or maybe it was to correct the problem that the Me-109 had.
I'm not sure what the reason for the long legs was. The wide landing gear track would certainly make it easier to handle on the ground than the 109.
The long struts most likely were to stop the props striking the ground.

And I'd say Me-262A-1a for best bomber killer...come on, at least 300 in its short service.
More than that. That's at least because JG-7 shot down 427 aircraft, 300 being four-engined heavies. And then there's the other geschwader's using them like Kommando Nowotny, JV44, Kommando Schenck etc. etc. I don't know their kill counts.

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