I'm with you Les. I wasn't crazy about Bush, but less crazy about Kerry. Lesser of 2 evils, or who you dislike less. The problem is that both parties have moved so far from the center, which is where most people are (the center). You end up with a really polarized race and no one else wins. It sucks.
I sometimes think that us veterans should form our own party. One, most of us have been to foreign countries and seen them and how the real people live. Secondly, we have seen the blood and guts, smelled the cordite, and the fear. WE know better than most of the Washington assholes when it's time to do some ass-kicking, and we can do it right, without all the politically correct crap and then get the guys home. Instead of taking a knife to a gunfight, take a nuke to a fistfight!! Throw EVERYTHING at them. The next two-bit pissant third world shithole dictator will think twice after watching one of his friends get seriously jacked up.
Okay, stepping off the soapbox here. Sometimes I get a little fired up.