Hey man your getting better! Somehow your focusing is not quite right in the first couple, but the yard is crystal clear, even though it's not supposed to be.
Nice little collection in the second set of pics though, good work mate.
actually thor thats my neighbours yard, he just finished mowing as I took the pics! Thank you for all the kind words guys and yes heinz well spotted! the SD-24 was a real gem off ebay and the c-47 I bought as a ready made kit from toyworld for $15.00. As for the quality of the pics I apologise, the camera has just started doing this lately, but it also could be operator error! Anyways I will have another play around with it when I get back from brisbane again.
Good one Thor..LMAO, I was going to make some wise crack about the yard too, but thought Nah...SE is tryin' real hard. I'm glad I take plenty of shots, so I can delete the cr*ppy ones...
They look pretty good, very blurry on my monitor, it's a good size and I'm sure that don't help. How you photographing them? I'm a photographer so maybe can solve the blurry issue if you like.
Anyway thanks for sharing, I'm sure the photo's don't do justice
I don't know how it has been happening. I have been taking the photos like normal but it just seems to be doing this lately. I guess I will go and have another play around today. Any help is appreciated.