Bf 109G-6 Yellow 1 of 9./JG 54 Oblt Schilling Gruppe Build

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Great work Kevin!

From my information, and going by original photos, the hydraulics shouldn't be red at all but natural colour. The Germans used a marking system of vertical and horizontal lines in set patterns painted at regular intervals to identify the piping. The only exception to this is in the cockpit where most or all piping seems to be painted, presumably for instant identification for the pilot.

Thanks for that info Evan. It rings bells now I think about it. I think what I probably saw in the partly desaturated colour pic, in an old Signal magazine I think, was the natural colour of the pipework, which looked like it could have been red - hence the reddish brown appearance, and the reason I painted it red!
I do remember seeing pics, colour and B&W, with a group of different coloured stripes around a bunch of pipes or wires. I shall make a mental note of this for future reference!
The marking information I found in 'German Aircraft markings and Camouflage 1939-1945' by Kenneth A Merrick. The whole marking system was illustrated with colours, pattern and spacing fully described. Unfortuntely that book's still in NZ with alot of my stuff, so can't post the full info. Wish I had it here now!
I bet! I've seen the book, a few years ago, but couldn't get hold of a copy. Got a couple of Merrick's other works, which are very comprehensive, and good stuff.
Yep, I agree! I've got his 'German Aircraft Interiors 1939-45 Vol.1' here, which is great for details.

You wouldn't know by chance if he ever put out the proposed Volumes 2 and 3 of this work, woud you? I'd love to get them.


(sorry, clashed with Wayne!)
While not 100% it is 95% there my first resin part.I had lost this piece so bought another kit to cast it knowing I will build another one day.


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Terry in asking around I do not think you are totally off about the color there maybe.It does appear that over time the paint changed color due to operation to possibily to an orange/amber.This is a comment in relation to a plane it appears seen in person

These lines were indeed red, at least in some cases. The preserved (rather than restored) DB 605B engine on display at the NASM shows some ancilliary lines on the rear and underside that are definitely red... Some sections seem to have faded to an orange/amber colour, either by exposure to heat or sunlight along the way
Ah, interesting stuff Kevin. so what I remember seing in that old Signal magazine was possibly the colour after the effect of heat.
Evan, I haven't seen any ads for those books, but then, it's a while since I looked at aviation book ads - too frightened I might spend too much!!
Well it's just about there for the engine comparment.The piping on the bottom is actually being held by some old PE pieces I cut up.the guns are next not a whole lot is going to happen there.Again Guys thanks for the positive comments and the Gruppe build it really got me interested again.Cheers Kevin


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Yes it is a A4K that is were I am hoping that this project takes me.The stuff all in the middle is scratch built the tank being out of milliput for the one Trump supplied was not even close.Kevin

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