Bf 109G-6 Yellow 1 of 9./JG 54 Oblt Schilling Gruppe Build

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RLM 74=Gray Green now the profiles I have show to much green like the Blue was to dark also.The old bottle I had suppose to be 74 was just a Dk Gray.Wayne your profiles show a hint of Green;paint chips show it also though slight.So whats the scoop Wayne or anyone for that matter?Kevin
Terry I love the wing spar if it was not for that I would not be painting in the manner I am now.The fit is absolutly perfect.Upon further examination 74 looks like a compositon of 75@60% and 80@40% sound feasible?Kevin
RLM 74=Gray Green now the profiles I have show to much green like the Blue was to dark also.The old bottle I had suppose to be 74 was just a Dk Gray.Wayne your profiles show a hint of Green;paint chips show it also though slight.So whats the scoop Wayne or anyone for that matter?Kevin

RLM 74 is a dark Grey-Green, so a Dark Grey with a hint of green, I mix my own RLM colours using Tamiya Acrylics.

...and remember Profiles are a Guide only, they do vary and the reproduced images don't always show the true colours and/or markings....

I'm sure our man Wurger will post a colour link soon!:D
Thanks Wayne...:) "Profiles are a Guide only" I agree with you totally.:D

Here is a sample of RLM74 - FS36081 according to Urban's Color Reference Charts and mixtures you need to make yourself.Another source says it should be FS36118. I posted the sample as well.


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Thks Wotjek I got something almost inbetween those two that I had mixed up using 66,80 and 75.The fs chip looks dk gray to me while the other(L) looks as stated gray-green.Kevin
You are welcome.I think your colour can be good.It's tonality can depend on a surface colour you will apply the mixture on.If you use light grey primer of or white one the paint can get ligter.
1'st off we need change the title of the thread boys to JG 54 Yellow 111 or something Hartmanns out.I got the wings on both planes and a little color.I tell these wings fit like a glove not one bit of filler and the tailplanes interlock!! no filler!I was going to yellow out the rudder but some blue in the bottom of holder showed said forget it,tomorrow maybe.Yellow 11 has an odd and interesting paint scheme any other profiles anybody is holding on to?Cheers Kevin


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Watch it mate...! Matt will be kicking your nutsack for this...he's the un-crowned king of double're stepping on his turf! :lol:
THKs Dan Yellow 11 was flown by Fw.Ungar,Fw. Hecker and Fw.Kroll and was crash landed 04/08/44 near Luneburg.Just a strange camo if anyone happens to come across something throw it out there please.Kevin
Wow! A Rotte of 109's! Looking great Kevin, especiallya s they're in a good sized scale.
I've got a very unusual scheme for a 109 from Eagle Cals; a 'bare metal' 109 from JG300. It's rubbed-down paintwork, showing dull metal, with bits of paint and the national markings. If this any good, let me know, and I'll post the details.

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