Big day tomorrow

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
After the visit to the doc today, we found out that the c-section has been now moved up to tomorrow morning. So my wife and I will be heading to the hospital at 5:45AM tomorrow for surgery prep. Surgery will begin at 7:30AM and soon thereafter, our daughter will be coming into the world.

I appreciate thoughts and prayers. I will post sometime tomorrow to let everyone know how it went.
What great timing.......... In the future, you can have a birthday party at the same time as christmas! take care of two things at once!

Good luck Evans!

Are you going to suit up and go into the operating room to see your baby come into the world?
Oh yeah, I will be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I saw my son being born as well. I have to get the pictures of the baby on the scales and momma holding baby for the first time too. It should be a long day, but a good day.
I was in the operating room when my wife had her c-section. I was shocked and couldnt believe I had a daughter. I was so sure we were going to have a son. The doctor told me the warranty on the baby expired so i had to keep her

much success ! that sounds lame ..........

Eric enjoy as I know you will holding your little one. Now I hold my grand-daughters, an odd feeling and another one coming in early February. Being an Opa is a hoot not quite like being a dad though .. :D

send pics not during the birth of course..........yikes
<yawn> It is early and I am getting coffee before we go in an hour and a half. I got on to show my wife your well wishes. Thanks guys! She says thanks too.
It's now 8:20 PM on December 22. Little Kayleigh Rose finished the pre-landing checklist and turned final. She landed at 8:37 AM, none the worse for wear. She weighs 6 lbs, 15.7 oz and is 19 inches in length.

Mom and baby are doing great and resting comfortably. Whew, what a relief. My son had a rough start and my poor wife had a tough time when my son was born. This time was night and day difference. I felt relaxed throughout and was so very happy to have them together in recovery. Here are some pics of the big day.


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