BikerBabe's photos

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Thanks guys - and Aaron? I wanna go fishing too now!
Only downside to this, is that the waters are still covered in ice here, and it looks stupid sitting with a rod in the bathroom, fishing in the sink!
Dang Maria, those are too cool to use for fishing, they'll get messed up!

You're very talented and thanks for sharing the pix!

lol thank you very much GG, I've got to admit that it takes a bit of self-convincing to put a Daddy Long Legs-fly on the line, that's my favourite.
But then again, it's a great excuse for tying some more flies.
Thanks guys - and Aaron? I wanna go fishing too now!
Only downside to this, is that the waters are still covered in ice here, and it looks stupid sitting with a rod in the bathroom, fishing in the sink!

I know the feeling every thing here is ice covered also for the first time in many years. And as far as fishing out of the sink. WE WANT PICTURES FOR THE QUOTES AND JOKES THREAD!!
Wow, shooting those requires some good macro technique!

Thanks EvanGilder; I used my Konica Minolta DiMage Z6-camera for this series, it has got a mean lens.
35-420 mm is definitely okay for my needs, and the macro function works perfect for me.
So: Much as I love my Olympus E-420, the little Konica can do stuff that I haven't yet got the right lenses for the Olympus for.
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Thanks guys - and Aaron? I wanna go fishing too now!
Only downside to this, is that the waters are still covered in ice here,

Ice schmice!!!!! I'm taking the nephew(s) out on the frozen lake this weekend for a day of Ice fishing. Throwing the charcoal grill in the back of the truck and making a day of it.

Those flies look great, yet another hobbie I'd like to take up but just don't have the time for;(

Thanks Bucksnort, unfortunately the ice here isn't thick enough to support an adult, and with the next couple of days of plus temps isn't going to make it any better.
But your planned trip sounds great, I hope you guys'll have a great trip and many good catches.
If it weren't for Ice fishing in the Winter they would have locked me up long ago I'll be driving my 4x4 Extended cab pickup on the Ice this weekend. Should start a picture thread of my own I guess and post pictures of my adventures, well, mis-adventures anyway
Sorry about that, Pong - I'll remember to post a warning the next time I upload anything that resembles bugs.

Anyway, I spend the day at home in bed, sleeping most of the day, trying to get rid of a major cold, when this little guy landed on my balcony to pick up the remains of a bird seed ball that the jackdaws further down in this post had their share of bird seeds:

So then I put some bird seed and hot water in two bowls on the same spot that Mr. Blackbird used; hopefully he'll discover it tomorrow and get something to eat and drink, since everything's still snow- and ice covered here. Brrrrrrr!
It's a good thing to have the camera with the good zoom lens lying ready on the coffee table, even in one's living room.

Here's the jackdaws having something to eat - shot the other day, when we had a wee bit of sun shining through the winter clouds for once:

The dark edges on some of the photos are my drapes getting in the way.
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