BikerBabe's photos

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Great shots Maria! I especially like the shots of the Merlin. I'm kinda partial to large engines that make a lot of horsepower.:)

Thanks and mmmmmmmm - I totally and wholeheartedly agree with you@horsepower! *nod-nod-nod-nod-nod-nod-nod* :D
And they make great sounds, too! Plus they're fun to take apart, check, fine tune, and mess around with.
It's amazing just how much space such an engine can take up, when split to pieces. :D
The really interesting part starts when you've put the darned thing back together, and you find some pieces that you just can't figure out, just exactly where in the engine, they belong! :shock: :rofl:
Oh well, I guess that's where the crates with "spare parts" comes into the greater picture. :D

Nice shots Maria!

Thanks Gnomey. *goes red-eared*...oh that's right, I can't blush, I go red-eared instead. :oops:

Looks like a fun day trip you had, Maria!
Of all the photos you posted, the one that really stood out, was the photo of the guys hanging out "BS'ing"...
That shot could have been taken anywhere and reminds me that no matter what country we're from, there's not much difference between one another after all :)
Thanks for sharing the pictures :thumbleft:

It was, and thanks for your comment. ;)
I guess "shop talk" is the same all over the world, whether we talk about mechanics, pilots and bikers in the US, the UK, DK, or wherever guys gather to kick tyres and tell tall tales. ;)

Again Maria, great shots. I like the details. 8) 8)

Thanks Ontos. ;) :thumbleft:

Nice shots Maria. :thumbup:

Thanks Wheels. ;) :thumbright:

Nicely done. Museum interiors have horrendous lighting for photos and there are usually cavernous areas that eat the light from the flash. So you made good work of it. :thumbleft:

Thanks Evan. ;) Eh, what museum? :shock: If you mean the hangars and the workshop, it's a working club, not a museum. ;)

ALL: Thank you very much for all of your comments and all. ;) :oops:
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Just spotted this. Great pics Maria, which side of Copenhagen is it situated? I didn't know of the place.

Hi Airframes, and thanks. ;)
Oyehrm...the airfield and the club....that's slightly to the southwest, somewhere between Brøndby and Avedøre.
I found it at Google Maps, I hope the url works:
Google Maps

If not, please google Gammel Køge Landevej 580. ;)


Thanks VB. ;)

Here's another batch, this time from the end of april, where biker buddy Jørn and I went to Jutland for a prolonged weekend.
We visited the BMW motorcycle dealer in Ølgod, and stayed at the mc touring camp (no cars allowed) in Kolind, having a great time.
Went to the camp on friday, Ølgod and back to the camp on saturday, and finally we went to Ølgod again on Sunday, and headed home the same day across Funen. Rolled 900 kms/559 miles that weekend, and then I spent monday unpacking and sleeping a lot. :D
All in all a wonderful weekend, where I also got myself a new pair of Rukka gloves, a new pinlock visor for my helmet, a helluva cold - and lots of good food, fun, laughs and great experiences together with Jørn and all the other motorcycle mad beemer riders and enthusiasts. :thumbleft:

Here goes:


Windy (beemer) waiting for the ferry to Jutland.


Getting onboard.


All strapped up and ready to sail. The ferry's an express ferry that sails at 45 knots/84 km per hour at top speed, therefore the extensive safety precautions.


The holiday mood starts to settle in in the sunshine.


The next morning: Frost on the fairing and on the glass...brrrrrr...


...and on the roof of the building and on the grass, too. Ew!


The neighbour photographs his tent and his motorcycle...guess it takes a crazy dane to sleep in a tent while there's still frost at night. ;)


Arriving at Xpedit, Ølgod. There were a few motorcycles present. :)


...and Jørn test rode the 2010 BMW R1200RT, just to see how it was. :thumbleft:


Feeding the hungry hordes of beemer riders.


BMW F800GS - fun to ride, sturdy little beemer. I'm totally in love with that particular model.
Just add some serious Touratech sidebags, a GPS and hand over the key - and I'm off. :D


Kicking tyres and telling tall tales. ;)


The 2010 BMW R1200RT - incredibly elegant paint job, I think.


Beemer in the sun.
That's all for now. ;)
Looks and sounds like you two had a lot of fun. The F800GS looks like what we would call and Enduro bike here in America. Kind of a on and off road bike. I like the 1200 to.:thumbright: :cool:

Hi ABW and thanks. We did, it was great to get away from home for a short while and meet up with a lot of fellow beemer enthusiasts. :thumbleft:
As far as I remember, BMW calls the F600 and the F800 model range for "Funduro"-bikes - a mixup of "fun" and "enduro", as you've prolly figured out as soon as you saw the word, so yup - it's enduro bikes alright. ;)
I can recommend the 1200 too - wonderful autobahn bike, it seems made for a weekend trip to Berlin or Hamburg - or a week's trip to Rome or Salzburg. The faster you ride, the more steady it seems to become, so the BMW guys know what they're doing when creating touring bikes. Well: touring bikes, too. ;)

Thanks! ;)

Good stuff, looks like it was a good time.

Thanks Gnomey, it was. :)

Good shots BB. Looks like a fun time.

Thanks tim, we had a great time. Prolly to be repeated sometime during the upcoming summer. ;)

When I hear of Jutland I think of the WW1 naval battle.
Battle of Jutland, 31st May 1916. How and Why it Happened.

It looks like it was a fun time all around Maria.
Thanks for the pics. :thumbup:


Naval battle? Ah yes, there's been a few near Jutland during history, as far as I remember. ;)
I must admit that I'm not into WWI history, so thanks for the link. ;)
We did have a great time, and I sure hope it isn't the last time that I visit the touring camp with buddies. ;)
Yw. ;)
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Thanks again guys. ;)
Here's a few car shots - I met a few four-wheeled photo objects, and although I'm not crazy about cars, even I have to admit that these elderly beauties sure look gorgeous. ;)

First, a Jag - model unknown, but it looks nice.
Then this Oldsmobile from ´57 showed up at Langelinie, and I had a good long talk with the proud owner and his wife, a really nice couple.
And finally an unknown beauty, shot late in the evening, hence the grainy quality of the photo.
My guess is that it's a british model, but I'm not sure. Anyone?


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Nice. The Brits probably have a better idea on which Jag that is. I want to say its an E type, but I can't be sure. The Oldsmobile looks great. I don't recall seeing a lot of "Yanks tanks" at car displays when I was in Europe.
Great shots Maria, nice Jaguar Mk.II (I think), love the Olds '57, the third car.....have no idea! :lol: Back in the day, they knew how to design cars!

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