Bill Runnels passed away

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Sep 19, 2006
From Bill's son:

Hi everyone. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that my father passed away yesterday afternoon at the age of 93. I cant begin to tell you how much your kindness meant to him. You were a bright spot for Dad in every since of the word. I must tell you, that the day before he passed away, he was talking to his old bomber crew mates who died in 1945. They were never far from his heart. God bless you all for the love and adoration you showed my Dad. I can tell you this with certainty, that Dad was everything you perceived him to be. A wonderful husband and father and a true war hero. Thank you for honoring him the way you did.

Mark Runnels, Bill's first born
Mark, I am deeply saddened to hear this news.
To have 'known' Bill, and shared his memories, was a great privilege and honour.
His passing has at least left us more the wiser, due to his 'memoirs' gratefully received on this forum.
May he rest in peace, and enjoy blue skies and fair winds.
It was a pleasure and honour to converse with Bill in the too short time that he was here. Very sad to hear this and my sincere condolences to Bill's family
Here is story I had meant to tell to Bill and I think is appropriate to mention here.

A father and his little girl were out walking one day in WWII Occupied Holland. There came a great noise in the air, one so loud it shook not just the air, but the trees and buildings and finally even the ground itself. It was a US Army Air Force 8th Air Force bombing raid, hundreds of B-17's and B-24's flying over Holland on their way to a target in Germany.

The little girl began to cry. She did not know much about the world yet, but even children in WWII Europe knew that loud noises usually meant terrible things.

The father got down on his knees, hugged his daughter, and said "Don't cry! Don't cry! It is nothing to be afraid of! Those are the sounds of the wings of the angels!"

Bill Runnels is flying once again with the Angels.

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