Brooks' Photos

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Nice pics Aaron. That's one thing I miss about living back east - the reds in the fall. Out where I am, there's not nearly as much and we get mostly yellows, the climate being too severe for maples. But every now and then we'll run across some brilliant red sumacs. Our colour season has come and gone I'm afraid.
Too much ambient light Dave. If I get some time and clear nights I'd like to slip over to West Virginia where there are fewer lights and see if it is visible. Now that I have the Jeep fixed I am a lot more confident in it to take some longer trips. I need to catch up with VB and set a date for the WarBirds Museum in Sevierville, TN. to.
That should be a great road trip for the two of ya'...why not get mudpuppy in on it, too?

Anyway, I'm not sure how much longer this Aurora event will be lasting, but from the photos I've seen, all I can say is wow...Aparently, folks as far south as Kansas have been seeing them, too. According to NASA, the southern limit for the west coast is the southern Oregon border (dang it) and that's about 75 miles north of me :/
Dave, Kansas has very little in the way of light interference. I lived out there for five years and the night skies out there are simply put, SPECTACULAR! And you are right, I need to get Mudpuppy in on it to. Terry S. wants me to call him to when I go so we may have a crowd. Thank you Wayne, I will do my best sir.
Merv, I got you a couple of barns today.


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