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Is that the Tennis Racquet Wellington? I think I have it in its British colors when it landed on the airfield. in a recent German magazine

You are right French Air force used some "Oscar" after the WWII, ( not sure of the exact number but at least one ) becose of the "Indochine" French territory.
As far as I know the paint scheme was all grey with french markings ( Think there was a yellow roundel around the French roundels not sure also ! )
so many things I am not sure of !

But there was a more interesting Japanese captured aircraft in French markings.
An A6M2-N "Rufe".
In fact they were two guiven by the British to the French air force but one of them was so badly damadged that it never flew back and was used for spare parts for the other one that flew.
The one that flew did not for so long as it crashed ( unfortunately killing the pilot ) when performing "show off " above the harbour.
I recommend you the excellent article on the "RUFE" in the French magazine " Aéro Journal " published few month ago.

For the "Spitchmitt" ( as this is also the so call name I know it ) it was fitted with a Me410 Db605 engine (and engine cover) by the german to see if the aircraft outperformed the standard Spit with germand engine ( to me a waist of time... ) but it seems that it was not outperforming the Spit so far ( To me because ingeneers should also bring structural modification to the aircraft, as when the P51 get the RR Merlin, and in an ennemy aircraft that is useless ). The aircraft then remain stored in an hangar and was destroyed by USAF bombing.
Hummm nice thought johnbr,

But I was thinking, the german engines your are talking about, are they or not heavier than the original F51H engine ? ( could be a problem no ? )

To keep on dreaming you can still have a look to the ultra modified P51 " Prescious Metal"
Really nice pictures
Funny that only the canopy glass is missing.
I didn't find any trace of this particular Fw190 on the net, closest I found was this one
but seems captured by the US in Italy ( paint scheme and damages are almost the same ). Any ideas ?

By the way, I've heard of a Corsair ( Royal Navy ) captured by the germans in Norway.
Ledgend ?
As I know it appears as "in reparation" in the Rechlin's captured aircraft list.
Anyone on this ?
Do not now were this was taken.


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To follow up with the Italain in GB markings.
I found this interesting pic of a G55.
Seem that the pilot surrender. The aircraft was sent back to England for testing and then givent to Ford (?????), nothing is known after.
Does anyone knows ? interesting paint schem for a model anyway !

I have pics of the wellington in a German Mag, when she was captured in british markings, someone pm me to remind me of this thread hehe i have to go find the book

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