Chino 2010

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It was awesome, to say the least! 8) Tons of Mustangs and an A-36! Russian marked B-25, 2 P-38s, 2 Corsairs, 2 Hellcats...The list goes on. Here are a few samples from Sunday. I have 1,600 photos to go through.


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Evan, I thought you werent going? Either way, glad you could make it.

You handle the picture end of it, and I will work on the video I took while out there.
Cheers guys. All my shots are handheld. I find a monopod, or a tripod have a tendency to limit my movement. You can ask wheels, I move quick to shoot. I think I just missed his head a few times. Sorry Merv, but these were all on Sunday. Some shots were bluer skies than others. I wish I could get consistent metering on the D80.

I felt the breeze created by the camera lens.

I got this one on Sunday.


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