Christmas photo competition

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This is from the first page.... I was wondering what people think gunwise we're seeing on that Lancaster tail turret ?

I thought at first the left hand guns were wrapped to protect against the cold, but it doesn't look big enough for that,,,, it looks like a single wider barreled gun ?

Is that possible, would some bright tail gunner have a sawn-off 0.5inch fitted to replace 2 303's on one side ?


  • 467_sqn_raaf_133.jpg
    59 KB · Views: 140
Look it's Lancs thread so anyone can take license to doink it up

hey now matt i run a very tight thread around here ;)

and RE the lancaster guns, what you're seeing as a single gun is the two guns but because of the angle of the plane, turret and camera they look more or less in line, i can assure you there're 4x. .303s in that turret.........
Lancs right. Remember the aft turret gun configuration is not vertical alignment. But rather aligned at an inclined plane. Like this \ /

Awsome pic though. One of my favorites. But then again, as Lanc notes. I don't count. :(
I first posted that picture anyway so it's kinda void :lol:

and one more thing matt, stop making it sound like you know about the lancaster, you'll put me out of my only job here ;)
Sorry guys can't buy into your answer...

Take a closer look, you can see the right-hand pair of barrels quite clearly, there's no angle that'd allow these to be viewable yet have one of the left hand barrels obsure it's other pair.

Well your wrong...

It is a normal 4 x ".303 turret (lancs never had 1 ".50 and 2 ".303 - you can see 2 guns on the furthest side from the camera) which leave the normal turret or the 2 x ".50 turret and as you can see at least 3 guns it is the normal turret
Sorry guys can't buy into your answer...

Take a closer look, you can see the right-hand pair of barrels quite clearly, there's no angle that'd allow these to be viewable yet have one of the left hand barrels obsure it's other pair.

simple its called parallax
Paralex would work for both sides...

You can clearly see the far side barrels... so we're talking about the near side barrels obsuring one another...

Draw a small diagram, for that to occur you'd not be taking the picture from the position it's taken from... far from it..

Kiwi... were you there... do you know the ground crews for tha squadron... because if not you realy don't know.

I'm just asking questions about that rear turret and making observations that your reasons for it being as it it... IMO don't add up...

Do the trigonometry on barrels that close to each other..
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