Christmas photo competition

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lesofprimus said:
Track, u crack me up dude.... I think ur obsession with the Swordfish has officially gone over the top my man...

Well I always said the Stringbag was versatile Les ,
trouble was Eric was right me missus took one look and did a King Kong on it.
The poor old gunner never even had time to stick a pan on the Lewis before it was
bought down and forced to make an emergency landing by the Fax machine.
As it was convenient I had the crew post to other duties.
Oh for fuck sake did I just say that?
Please come round Les shoot me and put us all out of my misery.
Don't have snow, decorations and St. Nick all in one shot but here yuz go...

(I know, jets... but I dunna care...)

This here's a truly 'Jolly' Roger...

Santa don't need no steeenkeeeng reindeer... he gots himself a new sleigh...

When fighter pilots are bad little boys, St. Nick don't give 'em coal... he just stuffs a sh*tload of snow in their office...

Fade to Black...
Eric, actually Santa is stuck and can't get out, the women played a fat joke on him and are stuffing the presents in and around the tight cokpit of that ugly piece of junk he's in

ok another cup of Kaffee bitte !
Nonskimmer said:
Hey BlackWolf, I see in that bottom pic that someone parked his plane in my driveway.
Better yours than mine... I shouldn't have said that though, cuz now we'll get hammered...

And Herr Erich, I believe Santa would take his 'piece of junk' over a Mess-o-schitt anyday...

Anyhoo, I don't hang out here too much anymore... so in case I don't make it back before the day,
everyone have a Merry Christmas!

And if you don't celebrate Christmas, that's your problem... don't complain to me...

Fade to Black...
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