Color pics For a Model I'm Building

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I have a bunch of invisible things around my house. Keeps the cat busy.


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Any one got any pics of invisible bikinis???

I have a few around here somewhere. They must be worth a fortune on evil-bay cos they arent made from negatives or positives...they're made from invisitives !. You try getting a roll of invisitive from your local camera shop....I tell ya, tthey're rarer that Dick Turpins rocking horse t*rds

Yea, but none that can de posted here

Glenn...stop teasing dude !. Have you got the the set taken with the water melons, two dwarves and the Giraffe ?. Reason for asking is I'm short of the second shot from the shoot....I think !
LMAO! This is almost as good as the classic "Get Lucky". Reading this makes up for the office closing on 103111. I am up to page 28 of 43. I cannot wait to not see how this will end.


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