Coronavirus Thread (3 Viewers)

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Thanks Wuzak. I'm not too worried. At the moment they do thousands of tests a day, less than 1% is positive. As you will only be tested if you display symptoms, I guess all these other people have the common cold, which as the name suggests is far more common than COVID at the moment.
Saw this on FB, and got a good chuckle out of it.

*Covid hits Europe*

European governments: Hey we need to lock down for a while and everyone wear masks.

European citizens: Ok good idea

American citizens: haha that'll never happen here silly Europeans

*Covid hits America*

American government: Hey we need to lock down for a while and everyone wear masks

American citizens: F*k you open everything I'm not wearing a mask I want a haircut

American government: Guys c'mon really...

American citizens: *points machine gun in governments face* Open everything now we need hamburgers

*Covid gets better in Europe*

European governments: hey guys good job you all did your part, we can start opening now just still wear a mask please

European citizens: Sweet thanks glad we could help

American government: Since y'all are mad we'll start reopening but please wear a mask

American citizens: F*k you I don't want to wear a mask the virus is fake anyway

*Covid gets worse in America*

American government: Guys seriously if you don't wear a mask we'll have to lock down again nobody wants to do that.

American citizens: F*k you I'm not wearing a mask! Freedom!!

European governments: Guys you did a great job feel free to travel and go hang out now enjoy your summer just bring your masks and be safe

European citizens: Yay summer! I'm gonna go visit my friends!

American citizens: They just want to control us and take our rights away man.

*Covid keeps getting worse in America*

American government: Guys c'mon we told we need to lock down again please please wear a mask please

American citizens: They just want to control us!! Masks are tyranny!!

European governments: We gotta quarantine America, don't invite them to your summer parties

European citizens: Yea good idea those people are crazy.

American citizens: FREEDOM!!!
Can't say I know anything about him. Is his theory incorrect though?
Don't know, it's not been confirmed though. And part of his reasoning is not based on fact. He claims that Samoa got the Spanish flu without having had contact with the outside world. This is not true, the flu was brought there by passengers on a ship. I just looked that one up.
Don't know, it's not been confirmed though. And part of his reasoning is not based on fact. He claims that Samoa got the Spanish flu without having had contact with the outside world. This is not true, the flu was brought there by passengers on a ship. I just looked that one up.

Yeah, I posted some info about Samoa's battle with the Spanish flu earlier in this thread. The ship came from New Zealand and went to Apia in Western Samoa, which was ravaged by the flu, but Jefferson is partially right as American Samoa remained Spanish flu free, thanks to the efforts of its US governor who quarantined the island and prevented New Zealand ships from visiting there.

As a contrast to what's happening today, New Zealand was largely responsible for the Spanish flu spreading throughout the Pacific and as far as South Africa following the Great War; New Zealand ships carrying infected crew and passengers transmitted the virus around the world.
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